  • 期刊


Explore historical image of MENG, JIAO in Song Poetry




孟郊 詩學 歷史 接受 形象


MENG, JIAO was famous for his strange poems at mid-Tang dynasty. He created Yuanhe style which earned respect and admire from HAN, YU and JIA, DAO. However, MENG, JIAO's image was transformed toward a negative through criticism from OUYANG XIU, SU SHI and SU, ZHE. Although there was little data about MENG, JIAO in historical literature, we could collect numerous poems from Complete Collection of Song Poetry and further discussed the implications of his works. This study aims to explore the image of MENG, JIAO based on the viewpoints at Song dynasty.


MENG JIAO Poetry History Acceptance Image


魏‧王肅 WANG, SU 注:《孔子家語》Kong Zi Jia Yu(臺北 Taipei:臺灣商務印書館 The Commercial Press,Ltd.,1979 年)。
唐‧孟郊 MENG, JIAO 著,華忱之 HUA, CHEN-ZHI、喻學才 YU, XUE-CAI 校注:《孟郊詵集校注》Meng Jiao Shi Ji Jiao Zhu(北京 Beijing:人民文學出版社 People@@$$s Literature Publishing House,2015 年)。
唐‧陸龜蒙 LU, GUI-MENG 著,宋景昌 SONG, JING-CHANG、王立群 WANG, LI-QUN 點校:《甫里先生文集》Collection of Mr. Puri(開封 Kaifeng:河南大學出版社 Henan University Press,1996年)。
唐‧韓愈 HAN, YU 著,錢仲聯 QIAN, ZHONG-LIAN 集釋:《韓昌黎詵繫年集釋》Han Chang Li Shih Hsi-Nien Chi-Shih(上海 Shanghai:上海古籍出版社 Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House,1998 年)。
唐‧韓愈 HAN, YU 著,馬其昶 MA, QI-CHANG 校注,馬茂仍 MA, MAO-YUAN 整理:《昌黎先生文集》Collection of Mr. Chang Li(上海 Shanghai:上海古籍出版社 Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House,2013 年)。
