  • 期刊


Seismic retrofit of existing high-rise RC buildings: full-scale test and nonlinear dynamic frame analysis using ETABS program


本研究評估新北市板橋浮洲37棟鋼筋混凝土高樓層住宅的結構補強效益,內容先敘述補強構件的試驗,驗證補強設計的合理性,再藉由結構分析程式ETABS(2016)進行其中一棟高層建築物的非線性靜力側推及非線性動力歷時分析求得耐震需求來評估補強效益。板橋浮洲建築物地上結構之補強構件共進行二種類型試驗:(1)鋼筋混凝土連梁剪力補強試驗,主要探討以單側增築梁寬(增加箍筋量及無收縮水泥砂漿填補)和單側補鋼板對鋼筋混凝土梁剪力補強效益,(2)雙K型斜撐鋼框架剪力補強試驗,主要探討鋼造雙K型斜撐於反覆載重下之挫屈及與既有RC結構接合行為。建築物地下結構之補強構件則進行鋼板剪力補強鋼筋混凝土梁試驗,探討兩側鋼板和U型鋼板補強對鋼筋混凝土梁剪力補強成效。上述實尺寸構件補強試驗於2016~2017年間在國家地震工程研究中心進行,補強試驗結果可滿足臺灣和美國規範ACI 374.2R-13(2013)之強度與韌性要求。本研究並進一步地以一棟24層高樓鋼筋混凝土建築物作為分析標的,藉由非線性靜力側推及非線性動力歷時分析瞭解建築物於475及2500年地震迴歸期下的變形及力量需求,驗證耐震補強成果。


This study evaluates the seismic retrofit of existing high-rise RC buildings in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The paper presents structural test results for verifying the design of member retrofit, nonlinear static pushover analysis and dynamic analysis of the high-rise RC building. The superstructure is mainly retrofitted by two methods. One way adopts a one-sided shear retrofit scheme for RC coupling beams, which are retrofitted with reinforced cement mortar or a steel side plate, respectively, from only one side of the beam to simulate the actual condition on site. The other way is to add a double K-type braced steel frame to increase the shear capacity of the RC frame. The RC beams in the basement are retrofitted with steel plates to increase the shear capacity. The full-scare members with shear retrofits were tested at the National Center of Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in 2016 and 2017. The test results meet the requirements of the strength and ductility based on Taiwan Seismic Specification and ACI 374.2R-13 (2013). In this study, a 24-story high-rise RC building was analyzed using the computer program, ETABS (2016). The nonlinear static pushover analysis and nonlinear dynamic analysis were conducted to evaluate the seismic performance of the building frame under a set of 2500 year-return period earthquakes, further verifying the seismic demands and technology of the seismic retrofit.
