  • 期刊


A Study on the Static and Dynamic Mechanical Behaviors of Recycled Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete


纖維混凝土係於混凝土中添加纖維,以提升其抗彎強度及韌性,減少混凝土收縮與開裂。本研究採用微波熱裂解法處理廢熱固碳纖維高分子複合材料之回收碳纖維,並將其加入混凝土中製成纖維混凝土。回收碳纖維長度分別為5~10 mm、15~20 mm、與30~50 mm,纖維添加量分別為水泥重量之0.5%、1.0%、1.5%。試驗之混凝土水灰比為0.6,粒料細度模數為6.78。再透過抗壓、抗彎、劈裂和撞擊等試驗探討回收碳纖維混凝土之力學行為。試驗結果顯示,纖維添加量為1.5%時,較其他添加量之回收碳纖維混凝土力學行為表現維最佳。與標準試體比較,纖維添加量為1.5%時且依照纖維長度從短到長,碳纖維混凝土抗壓強度分別能夠提升48.71%、56.15%與48.88%;抗彎強度分別能夠提升55.76%、43.63%與27.31%;劈裂強度分別能夠提升28.96%、45.70%與47.58%。而撞擊試驗結果顯示,回收碳纖維添加量為1.0%,撞擊能量為50焦耳下,纖維長度30~50 mm之回收碳纖維混凝土之撞擊次數比未添加纖維之混凝土提升達3,615%。上述試驗結果顯示,添加回收碳纖維可以有效提升回收碳纖維混凝土之力學特性。


Fiber reinforced concrete can improve the flexural strength and toughness of concrete, and also can reduce the shrinkage and cracking of concrete. In this study, microwave-assisted pyrolysis was used to recycle carbon fibers from the waste carbon fiber polymer composites to make recycled carbon fiber- reinforced concrete. The lengths of the recycled carbon fibers were 5-10 mm, 15-20 mm, and 30-50 mm, respectively, and the fiber to cement weight rations were 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%, respectively. The water-cement ratio was 0.6, and the aggregate fineness modulus (F.M.) was 6.78. The mechanical performances of recycled carbon fiber-reinforced concrete (RCFRC) were investigated by using compression, bending, splitting and impact tests. The test results show that when the fiber to cement weight ratio is 1.5%, the mechanical performance of the recycled carbon fiber- reinforced concrete is the best compared to other fiber to cement weight ratios. Compare to the benchmark specimen, for 1.5% fiber to cement ratio and fiber length from short to long, the compressive strengths of the RCFRC increase 48.71%, 56.15% and 48.88% respectively; the flexural strengths of RCFRC increase 55.76%, 43.63% and 27.31%; the splitting strengths of RCFRC increase 28.96%, 45.70% and 47.58% respectively. The impact test results show that with 1.0% fiber to cement ratio and an impact energy of 50 joules, the impact times of RCFRC with a fiber length of 30-50 mm increased by 3,615% compared to benchmark specimen. The above results show RCFRC can effectively improve the mechanical properties of concrete.


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