  • 期刊


New Thinking of Contemporary Marketing Concept: A Review and Evaluation of Market Orientation Theory


行銷觀念的作法與思維在1980年代末期已有根本的改變,在Kohli and Jaworski (1990)發表一篇名為「市場導向:建構、研究命題與管理意涵」的市場導向理論建構論文之後,學者們紛紛投入這一新興的研究領域。時至今日,市場導向相關的研究已多達數百篇,並且尚有增加之趨勢,但是最根本的市場導向與傳統的行銷導向之間的差異,仍未見清楚而詳實的區別,關於市場導向的定義雖有某種程度的共識,但尚未有統一通用的定義出現。 本文嘗試透過文獻回顧的方式,將現有的市場導向相關研究予以整理分類,藉以一窺市場導向研究十餘年來的發展方向,並試圖透過相關文獻的回顧與探討,找出市場導向與行銷導向兩者之間根本的差別所在,同時,本文亦嘗試對市場導向提供一個整合性的定義架構以利後續相關研究的可比較性。再者,依據Sheth,Gardner,and Garrett (1988)所建議的後設理論評價準則,本文對市場導向理論進行評估,用以評判市場導向理論發展至今是否已經形成一個完整的理論模式。最後,根據本文回顧與探討的結果以及市場導向的發展現況與精神,提出市場導向理論在理論面與管理面可能的意涵與未來研究方向的建議。


A substantial change in the way of thinking and doing of the marketing concept was experienced in the late 1980s. It occurred since the devotion of Kohli and Jaworski's paper to the establishment of ”market orientation” theory, which later led numerous scholars to have plunged into the booming research field of market orientation. Constructs, research propositions, and managerial implications regarding this theory were since then introduced and examined. Although hundreds of market orientation related research papers have been presented to date, none of them have clearly illuminated the conceptual difference between ”market orientation” and the ”marketing-oriented” thinking pattern traditionally used to guide marketing practices. Indeed, no unified definition of market orientation is seen in the academic sector while some degree of consensus exists among scholars studying market orientation related issues. To find out the ongoing trend in the research of market orientation, a literature review was conducted to categorize related papers in the stream. Besides, this study also attempted to propose a definition framework of market orientation from an integrated point of view so as to offer a basis for the comparability among future researches, as well as to distinguish the concepts of market orientation and marketing orientation. Furthermore, based on the metatheory criteria proposed by Sheth, Gardner, and Garrett (1988), an evaluation of the market orientation theory was conducted to examine if the theory has matured enough to be a complete theory. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications together with suggestions for future research are discussed as well.


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