  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Marketing Capability - An Empirical Study of Taiwan Medical Institution and Pharmaceutical Distribution Enterprise

指導教授 : 任立中


現今市場環境變動快速,企業為達到競爭優勢不斷進行策略修正與改革,不僅追隨外部環境,更從組織內部建立彈性且目標一致的組織文化與管理制度。在此環境下,行銷能耐更顯出其重要性,企業在透徹了解整體組織現有的能力與資源下,結合外部環境分析發展策略走向,隨時與競爭環境比較、檢討進而創新,是企業達成持續性競爭優勢與和顧客關係的重要因素。儘管在學界有許多外國學者研究與探討行銷能耐,但在台灣較少結合理論與實務的相關研究,故本研究將從台灣醫療產業出發,以台灣醫療機構與醫藥流通公司為例,將相關領域理論應用於實務,分析組織內部行銷能耐結構以提供企業策略性建議。 在學術面,本研究以行銷能耐相關文獻為基礎,將行銷能耐架構化,結合問卷設計投入企業實務,弭補目前行銷能耐實證研究不足的狀況,讓本研究能夠做為其他學者後續分析的架構與基礎。 在企業實務上,與醫療機構與醫藥流通公司合作做問卷設計與發放,而後進行數據主成分分析與多元尺度分析,以圖像化的知覺定位圖呈現交叉分析結果並研究組織行銷能耐發展狀況,探討與比較組織內部個體和群體之間的能耐發展差異,並為企業提出策略走向與管理層面建議,也期待企業能夠從本研究結果中建立行銷能耐績效衡量指標,將行銷能耐納入企業策略決策,在進行長期追蹤與調整下,相信企業能夠更妥善運用與培養組織內部的資源與能耐,鞏固競爭優勢。 除了為台灣學術界貢獻行銷能耐實證研究成果外,本研究將行銷能耐理論概念投入企業實務並提供策略意涵,協助組織將行銷能耐納入策略管理層面,期許後續學者能深入其他不同產業進行相關研究,豐富行銷能耐在企業實務上的應用,創造產業新思維。


With rapidly changing environment, customer faces variety of choices and pursuit innovative products and services. At the meantime, companies try to keep up the pace of the shifting market not just follow the market outside but to cultivate elastic organization and culture with the same goal. Marketing capabilities become the key factor to help companies to build persistent competitive advantages. Companies clarify their capability and sources and then combine them with market research to build up customer relationship and core competence. Since there’re few related empirical research for academia in Taiwan, this paper aims at providing marketing capability empirical research for Taiwan medical industry to analyze and bring strategic advices. On the side of academia, this thesis conducts marketing capability study by building a new structure of marketing capabilities based on prior related literature and combining the questionnaire with the structure of the indicators. The study is more than just contributes empirical research but can be the foundation and analyzing structure of extend research in the future. Furthermore, with the cooperation of local medical institution and pharmaceutical distribution enterprise, this research adopts Principal Component Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling to measure the differences of marketing capabilities between all the organization units. After data processing, this study uses perceptional mapping to present the outcomes by a visual way to discuss the current standard of marketing capabilities of each group and help the enterprise develop strategic insights and improve the efficiency of allocating resources. In addition to enriching the field of marketing capabilities studies, the research intends to achieve the objective of including marketing capabilities concept into strategic management level in the companies to achieve persistent competitive advantages. Also, the study hopes that there’re researchers adopting the model in different industries in the future to broaden the application scope of marketing capabilities in empirical area, and create innovative thinking of the industries.


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