  • 期刊


The Prelude of Speed 3D Inc.: Marvin’s Dilemmas



本教學個案的主要目標為讓學員學習何謂創業家精神。本個案屬於個人層級之真實個案,以個案主人翁丘立全(Marvin)為主軸,描述其二十多年來職場生涯中對他產生關鍵影響的人事物−特別是創業家張明正先生,以及一些具啓發性的經歷及轉折點。Marvin曾任職一家資訊硬體公司及三家軟體公司,這些經歷讓他成為一位出色的軟體行銷與銷售的專業經理人,但他在創辦啟雲科技之前仍尚未真正領悟創業家精神。處於行動時代,Marvin 最後選擇在3D產業創業開創職場新局,但在創業之前,他面臨他人生第三個兩難抉擇。本教學個案透過他人生三個重要的兩難抉擇來啟發學員,讓學員從中領悟並釐清創業家精神、創業家、及創業的本質;進而了解創業家思維與專業經理人思維在本質上的差異。


創業家精神 創業家 創業 市場


In this individual-level field case we pursue the objective for students to realize what entrepreneurship is. The case focuses on CEO Marvin Chiu’s three dilemmas and turning points in his professional career of software marketing for around 20 years. It also describes the key person, Steve Chang, who is an entrepreneur and has influenced Marvin immensely. Marvin has accordingly become an outstanding professional manager but not an entrepreneur yet before he starts up Speed 3D Inc. In the mobile age, the 3rd dilemma encountered when Marvin was hard to choose between starting up a company in the 3D industry and accepting the CEO position in a big famous company to develop the IoT. The case serves as a vehicle to enlighten students to clarify the natures of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, and startup. It also offers the opportunity for students to learn what the nature differences in the mindsets between the entrepreneur and the professional manager.


Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur Start up Market


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