  • 期刊

Taiwan Yuan-Li Handiwork Association: The Beauty of Small or the Fullness of Big?



The Taiwan Yuan-Li Handiwork Association emerged from the San-Jiao Community Development Association. Since 2003, president Yeh has worked to recover the disappearing rush-weaving craft, which has a history of almost 300 years. In this effort, more than ten women with rush-weaving skills have been located and their old memories stirred, and the inheritance of rush-weaving craft and culture has been restarted. However, the mixed nature of social enterprises involves decision-making dilemmas about operations. To promote traditional rush-grass weaving crafts, the Taiwan Yuan-Li Handiwork Association has held many workshops and won awards in a various product design competition. Should the association’s future development focus on the comprehensive cultural and creative industry that combines eco-development of rush grass, rush-weaving inheritance, product design, and marketing, or should it retain its original intention, cultural preservation focused on propagating rush-weaving skills and product design? This case's objectives are to enable students to understand social enterprises’ characteristics, challenges, dilemmas, and their positioning in choosing business models.


江詩筑 (2013),「結合設計 藺草編出文創商機」,(取得日期:2015年10月1日),[available at http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20131212000583-260107]
苗栗縣政府國際文化觀光局 (2015),「苗栗歷史老照片」,(取得日期:2015年10月1日),[available at http://lib.mlc.gov.tw/webmlh/p08b.htm]
