  • 期刊


Sanitaion Status of Bottled and Mineral Water Packaging: A Survey


近年來國民所得提高,對生活品質及健康愈來愈重視,因此以安全衛生、有益健康為主要訴求的礦泉水與包裝飲用水,深受追求自然、健康的現代人喜愛,且有快速成長的趨勢;為了解包裝飲用水與礦泉水容器之衛生安全狀況,自80年11月起配合各縣市衛生局至全省各包裝飲用水及礦泉水製造廠抽驗包裝飲用水及礦泉水容器共計97件;本計劃首先探討材質鑑別方法,比較紅外光譜分析法(infrared spectrophotometry, IR)與傳統之燃燒法及溶劑溶解法,結果發現以IR方法最為快速且正確。97件容器經材質鑑別分析結果:聚氯乙烯(polyvinyl chloride, PVC)30件、聚乙烯(polyethylene, PE)22件、聚丙烯(polypropylene, PP)1件、聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯(polyethylene terephthalate, PET)17件及多元碳酸酯(polycarbonate, PC)27件;其中除了多元被酸酯未訂衛生標準,而僅依據行政院衛生署公告之食品器具、容器、包裝衛生標準之一般規定檢驗外,其他材質則分別依據衛生標準之一般規定及塑膠類規定進行檢驗,結果除PVC有13件與規定不符外,其它材質均符合容器之衛生標準。30件PVC材質中有9件之二丁錫化物含量與規定不符,其檢出量在152.6-21015.3 ppm,7件之氯乙烯單體與規定不符,其檢出量在1.4-45.3 ppm;而兩項約與規定不符者有3件。 本調查之結果發現目前市售包裝飲用水及礦泉水之包裝容器材質,除PVC材質之與規定不符比率達43.3%,其衛生安全令人憂慮以外,其它材質均能符合衛生標準。




To investigate the sanitary status and safety of bottled and mineral water packaging, from July 1991 to June 1992 a total of 97 samples were examined. These included 30 polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 22 polyethylene (PE), 1 polypropylene (PP), 17 polyethylene terephthalate (PP) and 27 polycarbonate (PC) containers. In this study a simple and efficient infrared (IR) spectrophotometric method was used to analyze these various types of plastic products. The results showed that 13 PVC samples out of 30 (43.3%) failed to meet the R.O.C. Hygienic Standard for Food Containers. Among those 13 PVC samples, 9 contained 152.6-21015.3 ppm dibutyltin compounds, 7 had 1.4-45.3 ppm vinylchloroide monomer, while 3 contained failed to meet Hygienic levels of both dibu-tyltin compounds and vinylchloride monomer. Plastic containers made of other materials were all found to comply with the Standard.
