  • 期刊


Incidence of Aflatoxin B1 in Foods Imported from Mainland China


黃麴毒素(aflatoxins)為一羣毒性極強的肝毒素及致癌物,其中以黃麴毒素B1(簡稱AFB1)毒性最強,現今為配合行政單位食品衛生管理之需求,加強對國人攜入或經向其它管道進入而在市面合開販售之大陸食品品質衛生檢驗,本文乃著重於檢測大陸食品中之黃麴毒素B1,檢體包括花生類(8件)、豆類(7件)、堅果類(9件)、穀類(含米類,高梁類及麥類共計5件)、瓜子類(9件)、蓮子類(5件)、蜜餞類(21件)、茶葉類(13件)及其它類(37件),共計114件食品檢體。檢驗初步以酵素免疫套組篩選檢體中之黃麴毒素,對於可疑檢體則參照衛生署公告方法(TLC-HPLC)法予以鑑別及定量。經以AFB1酵素免疫套組(偵測極限為0.05~0.1 ppb)偵測檢體中之黃麴毒素,其中雖有6件茶葉檢體產生AFB1之偽陽性反應,但經薄層層析法進一步定性鑑定,顯示114件檢體皆未檢出黃麴毒素B1,然而由於大陸食品之外包裝以採散裝型式最多,佔48.2%,其次為袋裝(佔30.7%)及其它型式包裝,但外包裝上列有完整製造廠名或代理商及其地址等標示者,則只佔總抽購件數之23.7%,顯示有關大陸食品衛生品質狀況,仍需持續加以監測,以達確保國人食用安全與衛生之目的。




Aflatoxins are potent hepatotoxins and carcinogens; aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is the most toxic of the group. To comply with food sanitation and safety requirements by this government, the investigation emphasized detecting aflatoxin B1 found in foods brought into Taiwan personally or through other channels from Mainland China and sold in open markets. AFB1 in 114 food samples was tested by ELISA, then its presence was confirmed by thin layer chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography (TLCHPLC). The results showed that six tea samples had AFB1 false-positive reaction (the detection limit of the kit is 0.05-0.1 ppb), but in further analysis by using TLC1 in none of 114 samples was AFB1 detected. however, the usual packing style for food from Mainland China was packed without hermetic seal (48.2%); the secondary packing style was a plastic package with hermetic seal (30.7%); only 23.7% of the total samples were labelled with names and addresses of manufacturers or intermedian agencies. This indicated the ROC government should continuingly inspect the Mainland China food products to ensure the safety and health of domestic consumers.


Foods Aflatoxin B1 Mainland China ELISA Kits
