  • 期刊


Quality Survey of Commercial Honey Products


本計畫自民國八十二年七月至八十三年六月間,調查及檢驗20件不同廠牌的蜂蜜產品之品質。一般成分分析顯示,各檢體之組成分含量的差異性相當大,其中水分含量在14.7-23.6%之間,而總還原糖含量在37.8-81.5%之間,其中葡萄糖在17.1-36.2%之間,果糖則在20.7-46.8%之間。市售蜂蜜含菸鹼酸(約11 ppm)及微量的維生素B1、B2及泛酸(皆<2 ppm),幾乎不含維生素C;礦物質以鉀最為豐富(平均約533 ppm),其次為鈣及鈉,分別含59 ppm及28 ppm,鎂、鐵、鋅等則僅微量。羥甲基糠醛(HMF)之含量,一般可視為蜂蜜受熱處理之指標,在市售檢體中,其含量在3.0-168.4 ppm之間,其中大於CNS所規定之上限值40 ppm者,佔了25%之多。市售蜂蜜摻假之情形,高達30%左右。蜜源鑑定顯示,雜花蜜占約20%,純花蜜中以龍眼蜜占最大宗。市售蜂蜜之衛生條件檢驗顯示,檢體俱無大腸桿菌及大腸桿茵群之污染,抗生素殘留情形也不嚴重,僅1件含有0.53 ppm之OTC,檢出率約5%。




20 different brands of commercial honey products were inspected in this project. The sampling period was from July, 1993 to June, 1994. The results showed high variances in the compositions among samples. The range of water content was 14.7-23.6% and 37.8-81.5% for total reducing sugars which contained glucose(17.1-36.2%)and fructose (20.7-46.8%). Vitamin analysis revealed that niacin in honey was about 11 ppm, whereas B1、B2 and pantothenic acid were all only trace amounts (<2 ppm). The content of vitamin C was negligible in honey. For mineral content, K was the most abundant, of which the content was as high as 533 ppm, while that of Ca and Na were 59 ppm and 28 ppm respectively. Mg、Fe and Zn content were only trace. The content of hydroxymethylfuraldehyde (HMF), which is used as an index of heat treatment of honey, in the tested samples varied widely and ranged from 3.0-168.4 ppm, of which more than 25% were higher than the CNS indexed value (40 ppm). Analysis of pollen numbers in honey revealed that about 30% of the tested samples were possible to be mixed with syrups or other sugar products. Honey sources showed that 20% of the tested samples were the mixed-flower honey while that of Longan honey were the most important products with one source of flower. The sanitary examinations showed that there were no contamination of E. coli and Coli form. About 5% of the samples were detected to have tetracycline derivatives residues.


Honey quality survey

