  • 期刊

Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Histamine-Producing Bacteria Isolated from Taiwanese Foods



魚肉中組織胺的產生主要係來自細菌分泌組胺酸脫羧(histidine decarboxylase)將組胺酸行脫羧作用所致,將組織胺生產菌快速並正確的檢測出來是重要的研發方向。本研究參考國外文獻之引子(primer)針對組胺酸脫羧基因(hdc)此PCR增幅法分析,具組織胺生產性之革蘭氏陽性菌以JV16HC/JV17HC引子增幅片段為367bp,具組織胺生產性之革蘭氏陰性菌以106/107以及hdc-f/hdc-r兩組primer放大之片段分別為534 bp與709 bp。從台灣食品中分離出之7株革蘭氏陽性組織胺生產菌與15株革蘭氏陰性組織胺生產菌,皆可以此PCR法檢測出hdc增幅片段。其次,針對革蘭氏陰性菌Enterobacter aerogenes與Raoultella orithinolytica為代表,進行兩種引子hdc-f/hde-r與106/107之最低檢測靈敏度分析,得知在TSB培養液中兩引子之最低檢測靈敏度分別為10^5與10^6 CFU/mL,在旗魚肉均實液中之最低檢測靈敏度分別為10^6與10^7 CFU/mL。另外,以hdc-f/hdc-r引子檢測遭E. aerogenes與R. orithinolytic汙染之TSBH培養液與旗魚肉均質液,得知可較HPLC檢出組織胺早2小時增幅出菌的hdc放大片段;若此106/107引子檢測則與HPLC檢出組織胺相同時間增幅出菌的hdc放大片段。因此,以此PCR方法可以容易偵測出食品中之組織胺生產菌。


It is important to develop rapid methods to detect the presence of histamine producers. In this study, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay yielded a 367-bp DNA amplification fragment from histidine decarboxylase (hdc) of gram-positive bacteria using JV16HC/JV17HC primer, and 534-bp and 709-bp DNA amplification fragments from histidine decarboxylase of gram-negative bacteria using 106/107and hde-f/hde-r primers, respectively. Seven gram-positive histamine-producing strains and 15 gram-negative histamine-producing strains isolated from Taiwanese foods successfully produced the PCR amplification products. The minimum levels of detection of Enterobacter aerogenes or Raoultella ornithinolytica after the PCR amplification using hde-f/hde-r and 106/107 primerswere 10^5 and 10^6 CFU/mL in TSB broth, and 10^6 and 10^7 CFU/g in marlin homogenares, respectively. The hdc amplification using hdc-I/hdc-r primer was detected 2 h earlier than the HPLC detection of histamine in TSBH broth or marlin homogenates inoculated E. aerogenes or R. ornithinolyt icu. However, the detection of hdc amplification using the 106/107 primer and that of histamine by HPLC occurred at the same sampling time. Therefore, the PCR method could be easily used to detect potential histamine-producing bacteria in foods.
