  • 期刊


Business Groups in Taiwan's Post-Liberalization Economy


近年來,台灣集團企業的比重有不斷上升之勢,自由化之後尤甚。本研究整理了自由化之後國內新開放的一些特許市場的變化,發現開放之後的新參進者幾乎皆為集團企業的子公司,市場的開放似提供了集團企業擴張的機會,自由化反而帶來總集中度的提高。 集團具有範疇經濟的優勢,尤其是計畫執行能力,是其能快速大幅參進特許市場的必要條件。不過,台灣產業結構變遷迅速,集團企業必須不斷尋求成長機會。若將前三十大集團以其核心企業來分類,則發現新開放的特許市場,之所以由集團企業主導,集團企業亟於轉型的動機實為充分條件。這些集團都各有專注領域,轉進新領域可依賴其普遍性組織能力,但須集中力量累積特定性的組織能力。近年來轉型的集團數目超過三十大的四分之一。參與特許市場者,主要是轉進及原先就屬於服務業的集團,與論是要轉型或是防衛,主要皆為尋求成長機會。在服務業中,政府的相關政策,須在全球競爭力及社會公平性的考量中設法取得平衡。不過可確定未來在台灣,集團大企業的角色只會更為吃重。


The weight of the business groups in Taiwan's economy has been increasing in recent years, especially after economic liberalization began in earnest since 1986. It is found that, in the newly liberalized markets, most of the entrants have been group subsidiaries. Market liberalization provided opportunities for business groups to expand, and thus liberalization ironically raised the aggregate level of concentration. Scope economies, and especially project execution skills, comprise the necessary condition for group firms' dominance of the newly liberalized markets. On the other hand, the fast changing nature of Taiwan's industrial structure implies that business groups have to seek out growth opportunities relentlessly. Classifying the top 30 groups by core business, we find that most focus in certain areas. More than a quarter of them switched their core business out of traditional sectors into growth industries in recent years. Only those groups which either switched into or were originally in the service sectors actively participated in the newly liberalized markets. The importance of the business groups will only increase in the future. In the service sectors, the government has to strike a balance between the concerns of raising the level of competitiveness of local firms and maintaining a fair trade environment.


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