  • 期刊


Different Routes towards World City Formation in East Asia: Seoul and Taipei Compared




世界城市 金融體制 金融中心 漢城 台北 束亞


To become a world city has been an ambition for most of the East Asian cities. However, the 1997 financial crisis seriously spoiled this wish. This paper discusses the different approaches that Taipei and Seoul have adopted in transforming into world city status. I argue that a world city is also a commanding center in which the financial sector will play the dominant role in which the sector will also have to be transformed into the Anglo-Saxonian financial market model. This transformation is path dependent, affected by economic development model, corporate governance, and financial sector respectively. It will argue that Seoul's approach was based on big push, Chaebol oriented, high debt-to-equity corporate governance, and liberalization without regulation tactic. This led to the high growth of the city however it also put Seoul into a high-risk environment. In contrast, Taipei's approach was based on prudent method, small and medium-sized enterprises, low debt-to-equity corporate governance, and controlled liberalization. Therefore, Taipei's transformation has not so enormous, and lacking the capacity to become a world city. This paper also discusses the development of both cities after the 1997 crisis and concludes that Seoul has been restructuring to become a competitive world city as its central state has taken ambitious reforms to its economic structure, while Taipei has gradually lost its competitiveness as the state has been entangled with its conservative strategies that has led to the divergence of its polity with its economy.


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李怡俐(2014)。當代轉型正義的制度與規範脈絡 -兼論南韓與台灣的經驗比較〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02299
