  • 學位論文


Green Urbanism、Waterfront Regeneration and Urban Governance: A Case study of Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel Improvement Project

指導教授 : 周素卿


水岸再生自 1980 年代後便蔚為潮流,世界各大都市競相推動水岸治理計畫,以求水岸土地能帶來最大的發展效益;在全球化時代與環境治理議題的主導趨勢下,2000 年後綠色都市也蔚為風潮。在台北縣去工業都市轉型的脈絡下,台北縣政府亦積極進行河川整治與施行水岸再生的都市政策與計畫,本研究以台北縣西區旗艦計畫-「中港大排河廊再造工程」及其穿越的新莊副都心區為研究區域。透過地方都市政策的變遷分析,探究都市發展策略的規劃面,以釐清都市再生過程中綠色都市主義在政治政策中所扮演的關鍵角色。其次,經由水岸再生研究的相關理論取徑,並與南韓首爾的清溪川復原工程作交叉討論、佐以其他經驗研究,分析案例特色、進而歸納出水岸再生作為一種綠色都市主義的特殊性。最後,分析案例的開發實施計畫都市再發展歷程中的治理脈絡變遷,進一步歸納出推動過程中呈現的治理特徵。 研究發現,由於東亞都市仍在經歷後工業都市的轉型,因此以都市再生的型態,並扣合綠色都市主義的概念進行都市水岸的規劃與開發利用,欲將都市邊際土地轉換為新都市中心。但經由本研究經驗指認出,以綠色都市主義為主導的水岸再生,不僅是港口與河流都市的都市再生與經濟復甦主要藥方,同時受到地方政治治理變遷脈絡的深遠影響;並藉由工程計畫與都心開發的治理內涵來指認案例中都市治理的新興協作與參與形式的特殊性。另一方面,以地產開發為主導的空間轉型仍主宰著都市水岸再生計畫;最後歸結出綠色都市主義導向的水岸再生,仍在資本主義都市的空間運作邏輯中運行著,然而綠色都市主義同時也深刻的嵌合了水岸再生和都心塑造的兩種都市再發展形式。


Waterfront regeneration has gradually been standing at the forefront of urban policies and even dominated the rhetoric of regeneration policy for port cities or for riverbank development in cities since the 1980s. Simultaneously, there has been a growing trend of green urbanism since 21st century. Among various practices of waterfront regeneration, Cheonggyecheon restoration project has been promoted worldwide as a successful model of green urbanism to regenerate an urban slum area into a high-end financial and commercial strip with scenic and accessible riverscape in central Seoul by removing the elevated highway and restoring the stream. This paper focuses on examining the case of Taipei’s Cheonggyecheon, the Jhong-Gang Drainage Channel Improvement Project in New Taipei City, to reveal the generality and specificity of this new urbanism under the political economic contexts of post-industrial transformation. The research begins with identifying the role and various forms of green urbanism proposed in New Taipei City’s urban policies; then, trying to figure out the characteristics of urban governance by analyzing governing context in urban redevelopment. Secondly, by investigating the urban governance involved in the implementation of this project and shows that property-led development, especially in the new Sinjhuang Subcenter, is the key to the project, so as to the related urban regeneration projects under the blueprint of “The City of Great River”. Besides, the urban waterfront regeneration plan has become an integrated concept of green urbanism to transfer the marginal lands into new urban centrality. Finally, it concludes that the waterfront regeneration cases connecting the shaping of city centers, especially the Cheonggyecheon or Jhong-Gang Drainage model, apply green urbanism to redevelop New Taipei City. Such green urbanism is a new version of space accumulation in capitalist city’s regeneration by dispossessing the remade nature.


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