  • 期刊


Sex Work and Modernity (Prelude): Modern Self and Its Conditions




性工作 現代性 自我 匿名 隱私 自我呈現 陌人氣 黑格爾 高夫曼 紀登思 森內特


Why or why not is selling one's sex alienating one's self? This question can be traced back to a more general question which Hegel and others were concerned when paid labor became prevalent, that is, Why or why not is selling one's labor power or service alienating one's self? Like sex work, various types of modern work, especially in their emerging stage or in their informal sector, are also full of risks of alienating one's self in the form of self being appropriated, privacy encroached, or boundary of intimacy violated. To understand exactly how the alienation of self in question proceeds, the approach of social interactions instead of philosophy is required. As my essay demonstrates, it is through the techniques of self-presentation during the actual human interactions that the private self of the service worker is appropriated by the customer, or vice versa. Hence, for this phenomenon of alienation of self, Goffman's writings provide the most relevant interpretive analysis, which will be detailed in a subsequent essay. The present essay in its first half nevertheless develops the issue of alienation of self into a Goffmanian problematic: How does sex worker present herself in Work? However, this Goffmanian approach to the question of alienation of sex worker's self still needs to be located in a wider context concerning the dynamics and structural conditions of the modern self and its formation. Thus, the second half of the essay situates the interactions and the boundary maintenance of modern selves in five kinds of modern conditions that also constitute the core elements of (late) modernity. The implication of this discussion is to show that sex worker's success in not alienating herself during the interaction is not due to personal idiosyncrasy, but deeply rooted in the conditions of modernity.


Sex Work Modernity Self Anonymity Privacy Self-Presentation Impersonal Hegel Goffman Giddens Sennett


Bauman, Zygmunt(1997).Post-modernity and Its Discounters.Cambridge, UK:Polity Press.
Beck, Ulrich(1992).Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity.London:Sage Publications.
Berger, Peter(1973).The Homeless Mind: Modernization and Consciousness.New York:Vintage Books.
Brewis, Joanna,Stephen Linstead(2000).Sex, Work and Sex Work: Eroticizing Organization.London:Routledge.
Califia, Pat(1988).Macho Slut.Boston:Alyson Publications.


廖宜寧(2012)。乘機性交猥褻罪的規範適用問題 ──以精神障礙者之性自主權利為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.00873
