  • 期刊

辨識「中國因素」,還原新聞自由 建構台灣傳媒的出路

Qualifying "China Factor," Qualifying Press Freedom Constructing the Way Forward for Taiwan's Media




"China factor" has always been a force making impacts upon Taiwan and her media, though its "official" debut was in 2012 with the ascent of anti-media monopoly campaigns. The party-state in Taiwan monopolized its interpretation prior to the lift of martial law in 1987. Subsequently, the capital and the people entered to offer their versions. "China factor" has been mostly considered as a market segmentation, as a business opportunity, or as a threat to Taiwan's sovereignty and identity. In this paper, it will be suggested that there is another "China factor" that should be recognized or constructed for uplifting Taiwan's media. For advancing this vision, an authentic concept of press freedom is restored. While there are two aspects of press freedom, the negative aspect is emphasized to the neglect of its positive dimension. Building upon negative freedom that generations of people contested and won considerably, Taiwan has to strike hard and enriches media's positive freedom by expanding the Public Service Media (PSM). This is at once a significant strategy and an end in itself. PSM will be more accountable to Taiwan's society, less susceptible to China's market, and more resistant to the latter's economic "briberies and seductions."


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