  • 期刊


Distribution and seasonal variation of aflatoxin-producing strains of Aspergillus flavus in peanut fields at Penghu



於1990-1992年期間,由澎湖縣湖西鄉、白沙鄉、西嶼鄉及馬公市之花生田分離黃麴菌,以產毒能力鑑別培養基(Aflatoxin producing agar,APA)測定黃麴菌(Aspergillus flavus)產毒菌系(Toxigenic strains)在不同花生生長期、不同深度土壤、不同質地土壤及不同灌溉處理花生田之分布情形,並探討黃麴菌產毒菌系在花生田之消長。結果顯示産毒菌系之分布因花生生長期之不同而異,其分布以土深5-10公分處最高,10-15公分次之,0-5與15-20公分最低。砂質壤土中之産毒菌系頻率最高,壤質砂土次之,砂質土最低。灌溉田之産毒菌系頻率高於非灌溉田者。月平均産毒菌系發生頻率介於45-72%之間,但呈不規則波動。比較由莢果果圈土壤、花生殼及花生仁分離之産毒菌系頻率,以莢果生長區土壤之產毒菌系頻率最高,與花生殼及花生仁者之差異均達5%顯著水準,但莢果果圈土壤、花生殼及花生仁分離之産毒菌系頻率,三者彼此之間並無相關性。以高效能液相層析儀(HPLC)測定土壤黃麴菌在APA培養基産生黃麴毒素之種類及濃度。結果顯示,供試土壤黃麴菌100個菌株生長在APA培養基上,"不産生毒素之菌株佔11%,僅産生B_1者佔6%,同時產生B_1和B_2者則佔83%。就產生之毒素濃度而言,所產生之黃麴毒素B_1在濃度250-1.000 μg/kg範圍之菌株比率最高(30%) ,而產生黃麴毒素B_2則在濃度50-250 μg/kg範圍之菌株比率最高(31%)。探討APA培養基之螢光強度與HPLC測得之黃麴毒素濃度之關係,顯示黃麴毒素B_1及B_2之各別平均濃度均與螢光強度呈正比關係,APA培養基有螢光反應者,在HPLC均可偵測到黃麴毒素:而無螢光反應之46個樣品中,亦有35個樣品可偵測到黃麴毒素,其百分比達76.1%。


黃麴毒素 黃麴菌 產毒菌系 花生


By using aflatoxin producing agar (APA) differential medium, peanut field plots in Hu- Hsi. Pai-sha, Hsi Yu and Ma Kung of Penghu County were selected to investigate the distribution and seasonal variation of Aspergillus flavus during 1990-1992. The frequency of aflatoxin-producing strains in soil varied in growth stages of peanut. Frequency of aflatoxin-producing strains in soil of 5-10 cm in depth was the highest, followed by 10-15 cm in depth, and soil of 0-5 cm, 15-20 cm in depth was the lowest. Compared to loamy sand soil and sandy soil, the frequency of aflatoxin-produciug strains in sandy loam was higher. The frequency of aflatoxin-producing strain in irrigated peanut soil was higher than in non-irrigated peanut soil. Aflatoxin-producing strains in soil was in range of 45-72% of total A. flavus population with seasonal fluctuation. The frequency of aflatoxin-producing strains isolated from soils, pod shells and kernels of peanut was compared, it appeared that those from soil was significantly higher than those from pod shells and kernels. There was no correlation among the frequency of aflatoxin-producing strains in soils, pod shells and kernels. All isolates of A. flavus from peanut field soils shown fluorescence respone in APA medium produced aflatoxin by using HPLC analysis. While 76.1% of the fungus which did not produce fluorescence on APA. medium also produced aflatoxin. Among 100 isolates of the fungus collected from peanut field soils grown on APA medium, 11% of the test isolates did not produce aflatoxin, 6% only produced aflatoxin B_1, and 83% produced both aflatoxin B_1 and B_2. The frequency of isolates producing aflatoxin BI at a range of 250-1000 μg/kg was the highest (30%), while those producing afiatoxin Ba at a range of 50-250 μg/kg was also the highest.
