  • 期刊

Double lysogenization by filamentous temperate phages in Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri

柑橘潰瘍病病原細菌Xanthamans campestris pv. citri的複潛溶化



在細菌細胞中同時存在著兩種可區別的不同原噬菌體之菌株稱爲複潛溶性菌株,此一菌株之每個細胞均有釋放出不同型噬菌體之能力。柑桔潰瘍病病原細菌Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri的Cf16絲狀溫和噬菌體,感染XW47菌株後,其單股去氧核醣核酸先形成複製體,此複製體則揷入寄主染色體,而形成潛溶性菌株。本研究選用Cf29、 Cf32、Cf117和Cf134等絲狀噬菌體對XW-17(Cf16)-11單潛溶性菌株進行複潛溶化,以噬菌體免疫性及寄主範圍測定,經15次更新培養後,其複潛溶化率分別爲0、0、9及0%。由Cf16、Cf117複潛溶化之菌株中,共篩選出九個較具穩定性之複潛溶性菌株XW47(Cf16,Cf117)-10,-13,-36,-43,-46,-69,-76,-95和-97。九個供試之複潛溶性菌株在經丫啶橙、高溫及紫外線照射等處理下,複潛溶性菌株內之Cf16原噬菌體不被去除,而Cf117亦大多不被去除,但於軟瓊脂保存三年及接種到葡萄柚、椪柑、墨西哥萊姆、柳丁及檸檬等五種柑桔葉片四十天後,Cf117原噬菌體幾乎均被除去,而Cf16原噬菌體則穩定的存在於潛溶性菌株細胞中。


Double lysogens of Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri XW47 were established by superin fection of single lysogen XW47(Cf16)-11 with filamentous temperate phages Cf29, C132, Cf117 and Cf134. The double lysogens XW47(Cf16.Cf29), xw47 16, Cf32) XW47 (Cf16, Cf117) and XW47(Cf16, Cf134), after 15 successional transfers, retained their double ysogenies at the frequency of 0, 0, and 0%, respectively. From the double lysogen XW47 (Cf16, Cf117). lysogens. designated as XW47(Cf16, Cf 117)-10, -13, -36, -43, -46, -69. -76, -95 nine double lysogenies for their and 97, were selected; they with a few exceptions retained lysogenizing phages by treatment with acridine orange. high temperature or UV light in the conditions tested. The second of the nine double lysogens, was usually cured after preservation in soft agar stabs for 3 years or after inoculation into the g sweet orange or lemon. The curing of of grapefruit. lime, lysogens in all treatments the first Cf16 prophage was not found for all treatments.
