

由具優良園藝性狀的十個自交辣椒品系及經抗青枯病(bacterial wilt)篩選之四個自交辣椒品系互相雜交,總計選拔出27個F1雜交品系,其中對青枯病具極抗病等級者有11個品系,其餘16個品系則為中抗。所有的雜交品系植株之生長勢為中等,株形則有直立及半直立形兩種,莖部皆無莖毛且分枝平均發展,花瓣顏色皆為白色,花葯皆為黃色。果實形狀方面,果形有粗長及細長兩種,果肩及果端則有鈍形及尖形兩種,未熟果實顏色為綠色,成熟後則為紅色。在抗病育種雜交F1品系之產量調查方面,夏季收穫各品系植株之高度在69.8至99.2公分之間,單粒果實的長度則在9.2至12.4公分之間。在單粒果實的重量方面,各雜交F1品系在8.0公克至12.6公克之間,而單株之收穫量則在392.5公克至1128.7公克之間。冬季各品系植株之高度則在61.2至104.7公分之間,單粒果實的長度則在7.6至12.9公分之間。在單粒果實的重量方面,各雜交F1品系在7.1公克至14公克之間,而單株之收穫量則在298公克至1059.3公克之間。F1雜交品系田間病害調查結果顯示,夏季病害為害嚴重有炭疽病及真菌性萎凋病兩種,而冬季則有植物病毒病害為害。將辣椒辣度分成特辣、強辣、中辣、微辣及不辣等五級,各雜交F1品系中有三個品系為特辣、八個品系為強辣、六個品系為中辣。經田間抗病性調查、辣度測定、產量及特性調查結果選出編號為L9×L11之品系最具推廣價值,此品系對抗青枯病為極抗病性、辣度為特辣、植株高度平均為86.4公分、單株平均收穫量為1059.3公克、果實長度平均為9.5公分、及單果重平均為11公克,均較對照商業品種美香、生生197為優。此品系目前正做田間及地方試種中。


Twenty-seven F1 pepper hybrids were selected from hybridization breeding between 10 good-quality lines and 4 bacterial wilt-resistance lines, 11 lines were highly resistant and 16 lines were resistant. Growth potential of most of F1 hybrids were in the middle range, plant shape has two kinds. The petal color of all F1 hybrids was white and pistil color was yellow. The fruit shape of most of F1 hybrids has two kind of shapes. The color of unmatured fruit was green and matured fruit was red. In the summer season, the average plant height was between 69.8 cm and 99.2 cm, average length of fruit was between 9.2 cm and 12.4 cm. The average weight of single fruit was between 8.0 gram and 12.6 gram, average yield of single plant was between 392.5 gram and 1128.7 gram. In the winter season, the average plant height was between 61.2 cm and 104.7 cm, average length of fruit was between 7.6 cm and 12.9 cm. The average weight of single fruit was between 7.1 gram and 14 gram, average yield of single plant was between 298 gram and 1059.3 gram. The pungency rate investigation of F1 pepper cultivars for bacterial-wilt disease resistance have five rates, includes no pungency、mild pungency、pungency、wild pungency、and strong pungency. 3 lines were strong pungency, 8 lines were wild pungency, and 6 lines were pungency. The No. L9×L 11 line has been selected to propagate. This line has high resistance to bacterial wilt and strong pungency. The average height of plant is 86.4 cm、average yield is 1059.3 gram、average length of fruit is 9.5 cm、and average weight of single fruit is 11 gram, all data showed that this line is better than check-commercial cultivars 'Hot Beauty' and 'Hungariana'.
