  • 期刊


Occurrence and Serodiagnosis of Virus Diseases of Crucifers in Taiwan



以病徵目視法調查台灣各地田間十字花科物疑似病毒病的發生情形,結果顯示在蘿蔔上發生最普遍,一般地區發生率大多超過40%,部分嚴重地區幾乎達100%;其次為芥菜類(芥菜、包心芥菜、大心芥菜、雪裡蕻)發生率達35%,尤其是大心芥菜、包心芥菜發生率皆超過50%;甚至白菜類(結球白菜、油菜、青梗白菜、小白菜)及甘藍菜類(甘藍、球莖甘藍、芥藍、花椰菜、青花菜)發生率則明顯較低,其中又以甘藍菜類受害率最低。田間疑似病毒感染之病徵主要包括葉片嵌紋、斑駁、葉脈透化、脈綠、皺葉、黃化、葉脈壞疽、黃斑、葉脈增生等。田間病株以雙抗體酵素免疫分析法(DAS-ELISA)檢測,可檢出蕪菁嵌紋病毒(Turnip mosaic virus,TuMV),甜菜西方黃化病毒(Beet western yellows virus, BWYV),及花椰菜崁紋病毒(Cauliflower mosaic virus,CaMV)等三種。病毒檢出率高低依序為蘿蔔、芥菜類及白菜類,皆可達60%以上;其中以TuMV檢出率最高,大多佔50%以上,BWYV次之,CaMV檢出率最低。單一種病毒檢出率以白菜類之TuMV最高達52%,一般仍以BWYV與TuMV復合感染居多。


Field surveys of crucifers in Taiwan by symptom inspection showed that virus infection is possibly very common. The incidence of plants with virus disease related symptoms was high on radish and mustard with 40% and 35%, respectively, whereas it was obviously lower on cabbage and pe-tsai. The symptoms on field crops possibly induced by viruses included mosaic, mottling, vein-netting, vein-banding, rugose, yellowing, vein-necrosis or enation. Three viruses, Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), were detected in field collected crucifers by DAS-ELISA. TuMV was the most common virus infecting crucifers with positive reactions in over 50% of the samples tested by DAS-ELISA, and BWYV was the second most common. Mixed infection with TuMV and BWYV in a single plant was commonly found on mustard and pe-tsai in our survey plants.
