  • 期刊


the Occurrence of Bacterial Wilt of Water Convolvulus Caused by Ralstonia solanacearum



台中縣大里地區栽培之水蕹菜於1999年零星出現植株失水萎凋死亡之病害,隔年該地區大面積發生相同病害,隨後該病害相繼在南投竹山名間及宜蘭礁溪等主要水蕹菜栽培區出現,且發生嚴重,在台灣連續採收之陸蕹菜栽培區也發現相同病害,主要病徵為葉片失水下垂,植株萎凋死亡,部分樣品出現維管束褐化的現象。由罹病組織分離之病原菌經培養特性,生理生化特性,寄主範圍,專一性引子測定及接種等試驗鑑定為Ralstonia solanacearum race 1 biovar 4。蕹菜青枯病菌會感染數種旋花科及茄科作物。溫度試驗顯示在16°C時青枯病菌即可感染蕹菜,但在20°C以上才產生明顯病徵,28°C以上病勢嚴重。測定栽培用田區蕹菜植株帶青枯病菌比率在12.10-93.35%之間。傷口處理有利於青枯病菌侵染蕹菜植株。


蕹菜 青枯病 青枯病菌


Bacterial wilt of water convolvulus, a newly found disease, was widespread in Mingjian and Jushan of Nantou country, and Wufeng and Dali of Taichung country in recent years. Symptoms of the disease were wilting of plants and brownish discoloration of the vascular tissue. Based on cultural characteristics, physiological and biochemical properties, species-specific primer and pathogenecity tests, the causal organism was identified as Ralstonia solanacearum. All isolates obtained in this study were race 1 and biovar 4. The pathogen induced wilting not only on water convolvulus but also on other plants of Convolvulus family and some solanaceous plants. Stems and roots of water convolvulus inoculated with R. solanacearum produced severe disease, when they were wounded prior to inoculation. The disease appeared mild when roots were inoculated without artificial wounds. Ralstonia solanacearum was detected in water convolvulus plants collected from different farms in Wufeng and Dali of Taichung country. The detection rates ranged from 12.10 to 93.35%. Wilting symptoms appeared when water convolvulus were inoculated with the pathogen and incubated at 16°C. Severe disease appeared when inoculated plants were incubated at above 28°C.

