  • 期刊


Bacterial Soft Rot of Chrysanthemum Cuttings: Characteristics of the Pathogens and Factors Affecting Its Occurrence



自彰化縣田尾鄉菊花扞插苗細菌性軟腐病罹病組織分離到32個Erwinia軟腐細菌菌株,經生理生化特性定結果,其中有23個菌株為E.carotovora subsp. Carotovroa 其餘9個菌株為E.chrysanthemi,進一鑑定E.chrysanthemi菌株,顯示其中有8菌株屬於subduviision II及biovar 6;另一個菌株則屬於subdivison IV及biovar3。溫度可影響菊花扦插曲細菌性軟腐病之發生,在25-30°C下Erwinia 軟腐細菌引起之扦插苗軟腐長度明顯較15-20℃時為長,其腐爛倒伏之情形亦較嚴重;此外栽培介質含水量高造成菊花括插苗之軟腐愈嚴重;而菊花插穗癒合時愈長其軟腐病之生則較輕微。以mofified crystal violet pectate(CVP)選擇性培養基偵測菊花母株田之灌溉水、土壤及菊花頂芽Erwinia 軟腐細菌之存在情形。結果顯示Erwinia 軟腐細菌於此些樣品中出現之頻率分為100%、15%及7%。


A total of 32 strains of soft rot Erwinia were isolated from rotted tissues of chrysanthemum cuttings in Tienwei, Changhua. Based on the results of physiological and biochemical tests, 23 strains were identified as Erwinia carofovora subsp. carofovora, and 9 strains as Erwinia chrysanthemi. The strains of E. chrysanthemi were further characterized according to Dickey’s and Boccara’s systems, eight strains were classified to the subdibision II and biovar 6, while onee strain belonged to the subdibision IV and biovar 3. Temperature could affect the soft rot severity of chrysanthemum cuttings caused by soft rot Erwinia. Length of pith maceration of cuttings was significantly longer at 25-30’C than that at 15-20°C. Water content of culture medium was also found to affect soft rot development. Soft rot of chrysanthemum cuttings was more severe when the cuttings were planted in culture medium with higher water content. Severity of soft rot of chrysanthemum cuttings was found to be reduced if the cuttings were kept at high moist conditions for curing before planting. A modified CVP selective medium was used to study the presence of soft rot Erwinia in mother stock fields of chrysanthemum. Soft rot Erwinia could be detected from irrigation water, soiI and chrysanthemum apical shoot with frequency at 100%, 15% and 7%, respectively.


