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Ecology of Rhizoctonia Stem Rot of Chrysanthemum Cuttings and Its Chemical Control


2000年1月至2001年12月在三個菊花育苗場調查發現,菊花莖腐病整年可在不同育苗場發生,各調查點二年之發生消長並不一致,且無明顯主要發生時期。菊花莖腐病菌之最適生長溫度為20~30℃,在15℃時生長較緩慢。溫度與病害發生有密切關係,在25~30℃菊花莖腐病病勢進展最快,而15℃病勢進展較慢。在菊花育苗場進行三次藥劑防治試驗,於菊花扞插澆水後,苗床每平方公尺噴施3,000 ml之50%福多寧可濕性粉劑2,000倍藥液或50%脫克松可濕性粉劑1,000倍藥液,兩者之防治效果最好,且此二種藥劑可明顯增加菊花扞插苗根數。


菊花 莖腐病 溫度 化學防治


Three chrysanthemum propagation centers were surveyed on the occurrence of Rhizoctonia stem rot of chrysanthemum from January 2000 to December 2001. The disease was found all year round at different centers, but without a clear peak. The frequency of disease occurrence varied among seedbed survey. The mycelium growth of the fungus was optimal between 20-30℃, and was slow at 15℃. Development of disease severity of Rhizoctonia stem rot of chrysanthemum was significantly influenced by temperature. The disease developed rapidly at 25-30℃ but slowly at 15℃. In seedbed trials, it revealed that two fungicides, Flutolanil and Tolclofosmethyl, were remarkably effective in controlling the disease by applying 3 l/m^2 after watering chrysanthemum cuttings, the number of roots were also significantly increased.
