  • 期刊

應用DNA指紋圖譜鑑別台灣梨葉緣焦枯病菌與其他寄主來源之Xylella fastidiosa


梨葉緣焦枯病(pear leaf scorch)爲台灣特有之病害,普遍發生於橫山梨栽值產區,爲梨產業之重要限制因子,其病原爲Xylella fastidiosa,但梨葉緣焦枯病菌與其他植物來源之X-fastidiosa菌株間在血清反應上有明顯差異。本研究利用random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR)、enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence-PCR (ERIC-PCR)及BOX-PCR等三種DNA指紋圖譜技術分析由國內8個產區收集之梨葉緣焦枯30個菌株及國外7種其他寄主楠物X. fastidiosa 34個菌株之DNA,再利用NTSYS-pc version 2.0及WinBoot軟體分析,結果顯示梨葉緣焦枯病菌菌株與7種其他寄主植物之X. fastidiosa菌株間之相似值僅爲0.51,而另7種其他寄主植物X. fastidiosa菌株間之相似值皆高於0.70。由此三種指紋圖譜技術分析後加總所得之親緣樹狀圖可將8種寄主植物之X. fastidiosa菌株區分爲4個菌群,分別爲:(1)梨菌群(2)夾竹桃及葡萄菌群(3)桑堪菌群(4)胡桃樹、李樹、桃樹及無花果菌群。利用此二種指紋圖譜技術可有效鑑別梨葉緣焦枯病菌,並顯示其爲X. fastidiosa菌群是一獨立菌系。


Pear leaf scorch (PLS) disease, the only Xylella fastidiosa-induced disease reported in Taiwan, is commonly found in areas where the pear variety Hengshan (Pyrus pyrifolia) is grown. PLS disease is an important limiting factor for pear cultivation in Taiwan. Early serological study shows differences between strains of PLS bacterium and strains of X. fastidiosa from other hosts. In this study, DNA fingerprintings generated by random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD PCR)、enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence-PCR (ERIC-PCR) and BOX-PCR were used to compare 30 strains of PLS bacteria with 34 strains of X. fastidiosa isolated from oleander, pecan, plum, peach, mulberry, grape, and sycamore. The DNA fingerprintings of all strains were analyzed by NTSYS-pc, and the Jaccard's similarity coefficient (Sj) of 0.51 was obtained between strains of PLS bacterium and other X. fastidiosa strains. The constructed dendrograms showed that all strains of PLS bacterium were dusted together and separate from other X. fastidiosa strains, and the latter were clustered into three groups: one consisted of mulberry strains, another consisted of grape and oleander strains, and the third comprised pecan, plum, peach arid sycamore strains. Our results indicate that the DNA fingerprintings amplified by arbitrary primers are useful to differentiate pear leaf scorch bacteria from other X. fastidiosa strains.
