  • 期刊

Tomato Leaf Curl Disease in Taiwan and Breeding for Resistance against It



過去幾十年以來,粉蝨已成為許多地區的重要農業害蟲,粉蝨傳播的雙生病毒(Begomovirus)亦成為全世界番茄生產的主要限制因素。在臺灣,於1981年首次發現感染番茄的番茄捲葉臺灣病毒(Tomato leaf curl Taiwan all virus,ToLCTV),並自1990年代起流行於全臺灣島,在此之後,其他三個感染臺灣番茄的Begomoviruses亦陸續被檢出。其中藿香薊黃脈花蓮病毒(Ageratum yellow vein Hllalien virus,AYVHuV)和番茄捲葉新竹病毒(Tomato leaf curl Hsichu virus,ToLCHsV)只是偶爾於番茄田中發現,而番茄黃化捲葉泰國病毒(Tomato leaf curl Thailand virus,TYLCTHV),則大約在2005年侵入臺灣,現已普遍存在臺灣各地。TYLCTHV是雙基因體且具機械傳播特性的Begomovirus,而ToLCTV則是單基因體但不具機械傳播特性。隨著不同時間監測番茄生產區的Begomovirus,很明顯的在大多數番茄生產區,入侵的TYLCTHV正在取代原本的ToLCTV。番茄抗捲葉病基因Ty-2是在臺灣以ToLCTV鑑定出的抗病基因,並已用於育成臺灣番茄品種,以應用於番茄捲葉病之管理。但是帶有Ty-2基因的番茄品種並不耐TYLCTHV,導致番茄產生嚴重的病害病徵。結合(堆疊)不同的Ty抗病基因的番茄新品種,則顯示了良好的抗病潛力,可應用於臺灣番茄捲葉病的管控。進一步結合使用抗病品種,同時配合防止病毒感染番茄的機會,則為有效且永續管控複雜的番茄Begomovirus的最好策略,此策略不只可應用於臺灣,亦能應用於其他地區。


In the past few decades, whiteflies have become more important as agricultural pests in many areas. The whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses (begomoviruses) have also become major constraints to tomato production worldwide. A tomato-infecting begomovirus, Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus (ToLCTV), was first detected in Taiwan in 1981, and was endemic throughout the island by the early 1990's. Since then, three other tomato-infecting begomoviruses have been detected in Taiwan; Ageratum yellow vein Hualien virus (AYVHuV) and Tomato leaf curl Hsinchu virus (ToLCHsV) have been detected only occasionally from tomato, whereas Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (TYLCTHV), which was probably imported to Taiwan in about 2005, is now widespread throughout Taiwan. TYLCTHV is a bipartite and mechanically transmissible begomovirus, whereas ToLCTV is monopartite and not mechanically transmissible. Through monitoring the begomoviruses in the tomato production areas over time, it is apparent that the introduced TYLCTHV is now displacing ToLCTV in most areas. The tomato leaf curl resistance gene Ty-2 was identified in Taiwan using ToLCTV, and was incorporated into tomato cultivars to help manage the leaf curl disease. However, tomato cultivars carrying the Ty-2 gene are not resistant to TYLCTHV which causes severe disease symptoms on them. The combining (pyramiding) of different Ty resistance genes in new tomato cultivars shows potential for resistance to leaf curl disease in Taiwan. The combined use of resistant cultivars and cultural methods to exclude vector whiteflies and prevent virus infection is the most effective and sustainable strategy to manage the tomato begomovirus complex in Taiwan and elsewhere.
