  • 期刊


Risk Assessment Mode Established on the Landslides Occurred at Aboriginal Region in Eastern Taiwan


台灣東部地區地形坡度起伏陡峭,地質岩性以沖積層、畢祿山層、廬山層與都巒山層等地層為主,為部分地質構造脆弱之潛在地質災害敏感區,對山地社區居民之居住環境安全影響甚鉅。故本研究乃針對行政院原住民委員會自1998-2001年完成台灣全島150處調查山地社區中抽取東部7鄉鎮再進行複查分析,得知台灣東部山地社區之環境災害型態可分為崩塌地、土石流、地滑、蝕溝、淹水、河岸侵蝕等六大災害選項,其中崩塌地和土石流各占50.92% & 20.99%,據此顯示台灣東部山地社區環境所承受之危險災害類型,大多以坡地崩塌和土石流為主,因此崩塌地整治與土石流災害防治乃成為台灣東部山地社區居住環境安全之首要課題。另本研究以GPS/GIS/RS整合技術進行山地社區災害區之調查分析及各圖層之套疊、分類、建檔等資料處理,據以瞭解其山地社區環境災害特性,且依所發生之災害類型選定12項致災因子,並以多變量不安定指數分析技術完成其災害特性分析與潛勢災害風險評估模式之建置,以期作為台灣東部山地社區環境災害防治方案研擬之參考。


The topographies of hillslope located at eastern Taiwan are quite steep combined with fragile geological structure. This sensitive environment was eased to have calamities and endangered the natural environmental disasters. As a result, the research was aimed at the investigation of 7 potential disaster townships among 150 aboriginal communities that selected by the Aboriginal Committee of Executive Yuan during 1998 to 2001. According to field investigations, the environmental disasters in eastern Taiwan could be grouped into landslide, debris flow, creep, gully erosion, flood and riverbank erosion. Actually, debris flow and landslide were identified as the typical case of those disasters with 50.92% and 20.99% of total number being investigated.Thus, landslide and debris flow disasters reduction become the first priority of living environment security for the aboriginal people. GPS\GIS\RS technology integration was used to investigate the geological calamities. At the same time, satellite image processing systems were also applied on analyzing the landslide and debris flow information collected from SPOT image files which can be used to realize the factors triggering the sediment related disasters in the eastern Taiwan. All results analyzed by GPS\GIS\RS integrated map layer can provide the disaster prevention and hazard mitigation policy consulting on aboriginal region development in the eastern Taiwan.


