  • 期刊


CO2 Adsorption / Desorption Modeling for CO2 Sequestration in Coal-Bed


溫室效應問題倍受重視的今日,二氧化碳減量為世界各國正積極研究的方向之一。在所有二氧化碳減量的措施中,地質封存為目前相當熱門之話題。地質封存包含深海封存、構造封存及煤層吸附封存等,其中利用煤層進行吸附封存更可有增加煤層氣採收(CO2-Enhanced Coalbed Methane)之經濟效應,相當具有研究潛力。二氧化碳在煤層封存之研究中,代表煤層吸附二氧化碳潛能之等溫吸/脫附能力為首要瞭解的課題。故建立等溫吸/脫附試驗與分析技術,為評估二氧化碳之煤層封存相當重要的一環。本研究於台灣中油探採研究所,建立煤層氣等溫吸/脫附實驗室與分析技術。利用臺灣新平溪、澳洲Sydney 盆地與印尼Pinang 煤樣,進行二氧化碳之等溫吸/脫附試驗。等溫吸/脫附試驗數據藉由Langmuir、BET及Dubinin-Astakhov(D-A)等溫吸/脫附曲線之數學模式進行擬合,並利用殘差分析評估各等溫吸/脫附曲線之適用性。根據等溫吸/脫附試驗成果,發現印尼Pinang煤礦具有明顯脫附滯後現象;臺灣新平溪與澳洲Sydney盆地煤礦之吸-脫附則較為同步。另由試驗結果可知二氧化碳封存潛力方面,印尼Pinang煤礦較佳、Sydney盆地煤礦次之,臺灣新平溪煤礦較差。而在等溫吸/脫附曲線之數學模式方面,根據殘差分析結果可知D-A模式較適用於煤礦等溫吸/脫附曲線之描述與分析。


Disposal and geological sequestration of anthropogenic ”greenhouse gases” such as carbon dioxide (CO2) is a proposed approach to reduce global warming. Deep sea, regional-scale geological structure, and coal seam are possible sites for sequestration, given their ubiquitous nature. A thorough study of the sorption behavior of coals to CO2 is critical for carbon sequestration in coal seams and enhanced coalbed methane recovery.This paper discusses the results of an ad/de-sorption study of CO2, in single gas environment, on a set of coal samples taken from the Hsin-Ping-Chi Colliery (Taiwan), Sydney Basin (Australia), and Pinang (Indonesia). The experimental data were modeled using Langmuir, BET, and Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) equations. The accuracy of the models in quantifying coal-gas sorption was compared using an error analysis technique. For CO2, the performance of the D-A equation was found to be significantly better than the other two. Overall, the D-A equation fitted the experimental sorption data the best, followed by the Langmuir and BET equations. Since the D-A equation is capable of deriving isotherms for any temperature using a single isotherm, thus providing added flexibility to model the temperature variation due to injection / depletion, this is the recommended model to use.
