  • 期刊


The Present Status and Influence of Shale Gas Development in the U.S.


2000年起,美國頁岩氣開始規模化量產,2014年初,頁岩氣產量占其國內天然氣產量41.4%;雖然目前頁岩氣僅在美國國內天然氣市場流通,卻已影響其國內許多層面,也將對國外產生影響。本文先論述美國頁岩氣發展對國內社會、經濟與出口計畫之影響;接著探討出口計畫與頁岩氣發展對其他國家與臺灣之影響。經濟層面上,頁岩氣發展使天然氣價格與製造業能源使用成本降低、石化業復甦、增加其國內生產毛額,甚至成為天然氣出口國;在社會層面則穩定美國民生基本暖氣燃料供應與增加就業機會。2014年3月,美國能源部宣布5項天然氣出口至「非與美簽署自由貿易協定國家」(Non-FTA)計畫。其中之Cameron LNG計畫預計最快自2017年起,供應我國每年390億立方呎(即80萬噸)天然氣且為期20年,顯示美國頁岩氣發展對我國能源供給多元化及國際能源合作之正面效益。


水力壓裂法 頁岩氣


Since 2000, the production of shale gas had a massive industrial-scale in the United States. Moreover, in the beginning of year 2014, shale gas shared 41.4% in the marketed production of natural gas. Nowadays, shale gas, circulated inside U.S. market although, effects on numerous domestic aspects and is going to work up other countries. Firstly, this article described influences of shale gas on domestic aspects ranged from society, economy and exports in the United States. Next, it also stated leverages resulted from developments and exports on other countries including Taiwan. In the domestic viewpoint of economy, it reduced gas prices and manufacturing costs, revived petrochemical industries, increased gross domestic products, and furthermore it will promote US to export LNG. Additionally, in domestic society, the development of shale gas stabilized supply for fuel and increased jobs. In March of 2014, Department of Energy launched five programs to export natural gas to non-FTA countries with U.S. For Cameron LNG program, Taiwan held the contract, probably being valid in 2017 for 20 years with 39 Bcf/yr (800 ktons/yr). Therefore, the development of shale gas in the U.S. is going to diversify energy supply and promote international cooperation for Taiwan.
