  • 期刊


The Application of High Inclined Directional Wells in Petroleum Resources Recovery and Underground Gas Storage


隨著石油開採技術的發展,鑽井設備的更新換代,電腦科技的應用,使得鑽井技術及鑽井工程設計軟體迅速的發展。由於個人電腦功能的提升及能精確快速的計算,電腦及自動化設備已被廣泛應用於鑽井工程設計及相關的模擬工作,並進一步發展成整合式鑽井工程設計系統,目前國際上石油工程界更朝著鑽井工程自動化的目標邁進。油氣開採鑽井技術不斷地往增加採收率的目標精進,新的鑽井技術也相對應的孕育出來,如定向井、叢式井、水平井等並搭配頂驅系統與井底馬達,對於提高目標層的接觸面積並沿著油氣層的方向延伸,有著顯著的效果並進而提高採收率,並且朝著高傾角或是大水平偏移的技術門檻挑戰。為了因應天然氣發電廠用氣量於尖峰與離峰間之巨大變化、工業用氣需求量及安全存量,台灣中油公司已在鐵砧山氣田鑽6口注/產氣井,目前已經開始注/產氣運作。未來更將擴大規模以供應市場之需,在鐵砧山地區鑽鑿數口高傾角定向注/產氣井。鑽1口高傾角定向井比鑽相同深度之直井還貴,目標區愈小,井程愈複雜,所花費的成 本也就愈多。應用井程規劃、防碰撞設計理論及鑽井工程設計軟體,設計及模擬最佳井程,並將井程資料輸入電腦,模擬各井程於三維空間中之關係,以避免井與井之碰撞。本研究首先蒐集並建立各口井之井程,暫定各口井之井程,以Landmark鑽井軟體設計每口井之井程,再模擬定向井之防碰撞設計。PDC鑽頭能提高旋轉導向工具的性能,降低風險,快速鑽達預定目標。井底馬達及旋轉導向技術的不斷創新,使得高傾角定向井井成為可能,對推動海域鑽井和非傳統油氣開發起到了關鍵作用。新型井底馬達:Nomac Drilling公司的新型井底馬達採用更短的鑽頭-彎頭模型,實現更高的造斜率。本研究整合最新定向鑽井設備(例如聚晶金剛石鑽頭、井底馬達)、最新隨鑽測井設備、定向鑽井工程設計軟體運用,可提供本公司未來國內礦區鑽鑿叢式高傾角定向注/產氣井及查德礦區鑽探開發之重要參考。


With the development of oil exploration technology, the upgrading of drilling equipment and the application of computer technology have made drilling technology and drilling software develop rapidly. Due to the improvement of personal computer functions and accurate and rapid calculation, computers and automation equipment have been widely used in drilling engineering design and related simulation work and further developed into an integrated drilling engineering design system. Drilling technology continues to enhanced oil recovery, new drilling technologies are also improved, such as PDC bits, directional wells, cluster wells, horizontal wells and top drive system with downhole motor. In response to the radiation exposure caused by the earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011, the government of Taiwan has announced the policy of “robust nuclear reduction steps forward the nuclear-free homeland”. It’s expected to expand the gas-fired power generation to meet the domestic demand of electricity. However, the existing injection and storage capacity of TCS would not be able to meet this demand of natural gas, to evaluate the feasibility of expansion of the existing TCS underground gas storage becomes a important task for CPC. If we can upscale the injection and storage capacity successfully, it will supply Tai-power’s gas demand for power generation steadily. In drilling activities, new production in older, established fields can pose an increased hazard of collisions with existing wells. Control of wellbore trajectory is essential, and is a key problem in cluster drilling technology. Directional drilling from platforms or well pads necessitates drilling close to existing wells. Risks associated with close approaches are normally mitigated by the use of gyro or other directional survey data to establish fixed well separation guidelines. New wells are designed based on the planning above. This study integrate new drilling design method and new drilling equipment to drill high inclined directional wells, evaluates the feasibility of cluster drilling, and presents the trajectory design and anti-collision analysis for the new wells.
