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Conceptual Design and Manufacturing of a Flight Vehicle with Coaxial Double-Layer Counter Rotating Disk Wing


在本論文中,吾人針對台灣多離島、多山岳的特有飛航環境與運輸需求,提出一套新概念飛行器的設計構想與研發計劃,此一新概念飛行器的最大特色,是其兼具有旋翼機垂直起降與周定翼飛機高速巡航的能力,利用旋翼機模式,不需跑道,既可在一般空地垂直起降,免除台灣地狹人祠,機場數量有限的限制,當達到巡航高度與速度後,轉換成固定翼的模式飛行,即與一般的民航機一樣,具有速度快、違章高的優越性,可說是集旋翼機與固定翼機的優點於一身,完全符合台灣民航市場未來發展的需求。此兩用型飛行器之所以能具備旋翼/固定翼兩種飛行模式,關鍵在於其「同軸雙層圓盤加旋翼」的機構設計,本論文分兩部份,第一部分,首先對兩用型飛行器進行概念住設計(Conceptual Design),包括(1)外型尺寸之估算與設計(2)飛行功能配置(3)可行性評估(4)飛行性能分析以及(5)控制機構設計。在第二部份中,吾人根據第一部分的設計理念,實際製造一架兩用型飛行器的實體遙控模型機並進行試飛,證實此設計構想確實可行。最後,根據分析的結果,提出未來載人兩用型飛行器研發過程中需要克服的關鍵技術。


In this paper we propose the design concept and development plan for a novel flight vehicle to accommodate air traffic to Taiwan's special geographic environment with numerous islands and mountains. The main characteristic of the proposed flight vehicle is to combinc the advantages of rotary wing and fixed wing such that it can take off vertically as a helicopter hybrid aircraft is the mechanic design of the coaxial double-layer disk wing with extending blades. This paper comprises two parts. Part I considers the conceptual design of the hybrid aircraft, including (1) estimation of external sizing, (2) hybrid flight function design, (3) feasibility study, (4) analysis of flight performance, (5) mechanic design of coaxial double-layer counter-rotating disk wing with extending blades. According to the conceptual design in Part Ⅰ, we actually manufacture a remote-control model in Part Ⅱ, and a series of flight tests is conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed hybrid aircraft.
