  • 期刊


A Case Report of Pilot's Sudden Death in Flight Aortic Dissection with Cardiac Temponade


民航駕駛員在飛行途中因病突發失能甚至死亡,對飛航安全將造成嚴重威脅,甚至有導致失事之可能,不可忽視。民用航空醫學中心近年來,發生一起民航駕駛員在飛行中突發失能猝死的案例,值得警惕! 八十三年五月十七日,一架華航班機於東京飛返台北在中正機場落地前,44歲的副駕駛,突發胸口悶、呼吸困難、隨後昏迷、休克,飛機由機長操控安全落地後,送醫急救無效死亡。事後經法醫解剖證實爲主動脈急性剝離合併心包膜填塞症致死。同年五月廿六日英航一位正機師,從倫敦飛往東京的途中,亦因心臟病發猝死,經由副駕駛接手完成飛行任務。所幸均未釀成事故。 本文就李君發病的時機、搶救有無延誤、事先可否預防,事後如何因應,從不同的角度作進一步的探討,如何加強心臟疾病的篩檢與防範,避免上述案例的發生,以消除飛航安全的死角,爲今後航空體檢應努力加強的方向。


The pilots sudden incapacitation in flight, this will cause serious threats to flight safety, and even can cause an accident. This cannot be neglected. In last years the civil aviation medical center has occurred a case where the pilot of civil airlines suddenly lost capability in flight and then abrupt death, which is worthy to be alert of. In May 17, 1994, a China Airlines Boeing-747 when returning from Tokyo to Taipei, before landing the 44yrs old co-pilot suddenly felt tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing, then loss of consiousness, after the plane was controlled over by the captain and landed safely, he was rushed to the hospital for emergency, but without effect he died. After autopsy by the forensic expert, proved it was rapid aortic dissection combined with cardiac temponade that caused his death. In the same year on May 26th, the captain of British Airways, during flight from London to Tokyo, due to heart attack died suddenly. The flight mission was completed by the co-pilot. Luckily there was no accident. This essay was the time when co-pilot Lee was sick. Was there any delay in the rescue? Can it be prevented? After happening how to react? From different angle, make further discussions. How to improve in sieving coronary heart disease and keep a lookout. Avoid the above cases to happen, remove the blind spot of flight safety, as the direction where the aviation physical examiners must work hard and improve from now on.
