  • 期刊


Female Pilots in ROC Air Force: Aeromedical Considerations


半世紀以來,國內受到女權運動的衝擊,使得女性在各行各業已獲得與男性平等競爭工作權利的機會。自1992年起,空軍官校開放招收大專院校的女性畢業生和接受飛行訓練,完訓率為26%。自此,她們已被派遣擔任直昇機(S-70C)、運輸機(C-130, Beech-1900)、甚至戰鬥機(F-5E)的空勤任務,各部隊長亦相信她們已能夠充份適應飛行中隊的生涯。 有鑑於女性飛行員的服役,本中心近年致力於她們適飛性的研究。令人驚訝地,兩項初步的研究顯示女性缺氧和高G耐力竟不遜於男性。例如,兩萬五仟呎的低壓艙艙航,女性飛行生的平均有效意識時間顯著地較男性飛行生為長(3.87±0.11分鐘v. s. 3.50±0.13分鐘),在人體心機的漸增G式乘載,女性飛行的緊張性G耐力亦顯著地較男性飛行生為高(5.87±0.40G v. s. 5.11±0.06G),這些航生訓練結果和性別差異,可能與生理和心理的因素有關。 在我們的研究工作中,發現女性飛行員體型特性可能會限制飛行個裝的效率,或干擾人機界面的相容性,這些問題將無可避免地損害飛行的工作表現。如今,本中心的航醫和航生官亦協同婦產科專科醫師,密切注意月經週期對飛行的影響,惟對女性飛行員對戰鬥任務的勝任能力,仍需繼續作航醫專業的監督和評估。


Nowadays. the impact of feminism has promoted women in Republic of China (ROC) sharing job opportunity almost in each and every trade with their male competitor equally. In 1992, ROC Air Force Academy first opened pilot training program to female graduates from universities and colleges. Since then, a small group of female pilots (success rate: 26%) were assigned to fly helicopter, transporter, and even fighter (F-5). The majority of wing commanders believe they have been well integrated into their squadron. Due to the introduction of women into military aircraft, our laboratory conducted a survey regarding their fly fitness recently. To our surprise, two preliminary studies demonstrated that female's tolerate to hypoxia and G stresses were not inferior to male's. During an altitude chamber flight at 25,000ft. the mean time of useful consciousness of female student pilots were significantly longer than male student pilots (3.87±0.11 min. vs. 3.50±0.13min.). During a gradual onset run of centrifuge, the mean strained G tolerance of female student pilots were also significantly higher than male student pilots (5.87±0.40 G vs. 5.11±0.06 G). Physiological and psychological factors could devote to these differences, In our survey, we are aware that physical features had limited the efficiency of personal equipment or interfered the compatibility of man-machine interface. which would compromise their flight performance inevitably. Now our flight surgeons. aerospace physiologists, and gynecologists have paid much attention to the unique influence of menstrual cycle on female performance. Technology watch on women population should be kept going on for their competence of combat mission.
