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A Study of the Nature and the Principle of the Criminal Law Enacted by the People's Republic of China


中共於統治大陸三十年後始制定了《刑法》,即使合乎立法的形式,但本質卻與民主國家迥然不同。筆者分就階級性、工具性、政治性、矛盾性等思想探討中共《刑法》的本質。同時,本文亦就中共爭論最大的,“ 罪刑法定”原則,及其衍生出的原則,如罪刑明確原則、不溯既往原則、禁止類推原則,分別評述之。


The Chinese Communists did not enact the Criminal Law until they had ruled the Mainland for thirty years. Though this enactment seems quite legalized in terms of form, yet the nature of the Criminal Law enacted by the People's Republic of China is considerably different from that of the democratic countries'. As a result, this writer makes a careful study of the nature of the PROC's Criminal Law in terms of class, tool, policy and controdiction separately.Meanwhile, this paper also states first and then criticizes the most controversial issues of the PROC's Criminal Law: ”the Principle of a Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime”, and its developing principles. For example, ”the Principle of Defining a Crime and its Penalty”, ”the Principle of Non-retroactivity”, and ”the Principle of Forbidden Analogy” are individually mentioned and commented on.
