  • 期刊


Appraisal of Hyposensitization Injection of School-aged Children with Asthma


減敏感療法是氣喘兒童需要長期接受的一種侵入性治療,面對定期的門診皮內注身,兒童是如何的接受與調適呢?本研究旨在探討氣喘兒童接受注射的評價過程及其情緒感受。研究對象選擇於南部某醫學中心小兒得過敏氣喘門診接受減敏療法達三個月以上的學齡兒童,於82年6月至7月期間,共收集16名個案。收集資料方式採圖畫投射法,配合半結構式會談法以深入瞭解氣喘兒童在面對皮內注射之壓力事件時的看法及感受。將所獲得的會談資料用內容分析法分析,以呈現所得資料內容之傾向。 研究結果發現氣喘兒童視皮內注射爲一壓力事件,針對此壓力源産生初級主價和次級評價,並伴隨有害怕或緊張的情緒的感受。以初級評價中,氣喘兒童依其認知對皮內注射賦予意義,並確認皮內注射的狀況,在次級評價階段,兒童則審思調整自我的方法,以應會皮內注射的過程。 籍由本研究的結果可以瞭解學齡期氣喘兒童對治療的接受度、思攷模式及其情緒反應,有助護理人員更貼切的協助兒童適應皮內注射的過程。


The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the appraisal and emotional responses of hyposensitization injection in children with asthma. The picture-projective technique and semi-structure interview methods were used to collect data. The researcher interviewed sixteen school-aged children with the diagnosis of asthma. The contents of interview were recorded and then systematically categorized and analyzed by the content analysis method. Results of the study revealed that these children showed emotional responses and two stages of appraisal-primary and secondary appraisal. Most of children's emotional responses to hyposensitization injection were fear and/or nervousness. In primary appraisal, they oriented the injection and gave it a meaning. In secondary appraisal, childern thought of methods of self-adjustment in order to cope and adapt to the treatment. This study provides an appraisal model for children, which could be useful in improving nursing care and help the children to adapt to the process of treatment.


appraisal asthma hyposensitization


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