  • 期刊


The Outcomes of Restraint Reduction Program in Nursing Homes




One of the problems in nursing home care in Taiwan is resident restraint, including physical and chemical restraints. This pre-experimental study was conducted to investigate whether a restraint reduction program could reduce the prevalence of restraint in nursing homes. Three registered nursing homes were randomly selected from nursing homes in the Kaohsiung area. Staff and residents of these nursing homes were educated in restraint alternatives, balance training and managing behavior problems in one month of interventions. Three days before and after interventions, prevalence of restraints, falls, and of pressure sores, balance reaction, frequency of agitation, use of psychotic drugs, as well as the restraint knowledge of the nursing staff, was measured. After the restraint reduction program, the prevalence of restraint and frequency of resident agitation decreased significantly. The prevalence of falls and pressure sores of residents was not changed significantly. The restraint knowledge of the nursing staff significantly increased after the restraint reduction program. The information from this study led to a better strategy to reduce restraint for the elderly in nursing homes. The results could also provide a model to improve the quality of care in nursing homes in Taiwan.


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