  • 期刊


The Simulation of Injected Air Flow Path for Air Sparging Performance


揮發性有機物(VOCs)污染地下水的情形隨著油品、有機溶劑的大量使用而逐漸嚴重,因此污染整治技術的發展更是刻不容緩。世界各國的專家學者經過近十年發展出數種整治的方法,其中氣提法(Air Sparging)是較被看好的方法之一。氣提法應用在地下水及土壤污染整治的原理是將空氣由注氣井打入受污染區域的飽和含水層(Saturated Zone),注入地下水層的空氣與非水相的發揮性有機污染物接觸,會將污染地下水層的揮發性有機物揮發出來,並往上流入非飽和層(Vadose Zone)中,再由抽氣井抽出非飽和層之氣體,將污染的揮發性有機物回收到地表進行處理。 氣提法是藉著注入地下水層中的空氣將溶於地下水、浮在地下水面上或非飽和層中的揮發性有機污染物帶出,因此空氣在含水層之流動路徑將影響氣提法現場污染整治成效。本論文將報告利用石油工程領域使用的三相多成份式模式來模擬氣提法氣體流動路徑,並以引用文獻加以佐證。


Air sparging is often used for remediating groundwater plume contaminated by solvent or gasoline fuels. Air sparging method for the groundwater remediation involves air injection wells completed to the saturated zone, and air extraction wells completed to the vadose zone. Air is injected into the saturated zone in the plume area through sparging wells and vented through soil vapor extraction wells. The injected air contacts the contaminated groundwater and removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by volatization, then will pass through the vadose zone and recovered via the soil vapor extraction wells. The produced VOCs are removed from the air stream with a surface facility before it is discharged to the atmosphere. The removed efficiency of VOCs by the air sparging process depends critically on the contact volume of the contaminated groundwater by the injected air. This paper presents a technique to evaluate air flow path of air sparging process using a multiphase reservoir simulator.
