  • 期刊


Application of Man-Machine Interface for an Integrated Metrological Supervistory System in Petrochemical Industry


中油公司目前面臨國營事業民營化轉型及油品開放自由化之衝擊,人員精簡及成本降低是維持市場競爭不二法門。 尤其是石化業上游生產的高價值石化產品流量的計量準確性問題,對公司的經營成本實在有其密切關係,為了有效提升計量系統輸送油品決策效率,本文實際以人機界面系統整合技術應用於中油石化事業部轄內各計量站、油槽區及地磅站計量儀器為完成研究標的,將對對外計量儀器監視系統、油槽液位監視系統及地磅作業管理監視系統,把這三大系統整合成計量監控系統,具有高度之可行性及投資效益。


To cope with the steep competition in a free market and to prepare for turning from a government owned company to a private company, CPC is trying to reduce production cost in every possible ways. For high valued petrochemical product, the efficiency and accuracy of a metrological system will influence the operating cost a lot. This paper describes the implementation of a human-machine interface system to integrate the real time data in custody transfer station, tank area and weight scale transfer instruments for the Petrochemical Business Division of CPC. The integrated supervisory control and acquisition metrological system improves significantly in efficiency, function and reliability.
