  • 期刊


Thermal Runaway Hazards of Cumene Hydroperoxide in the Phenol Process


異丙苯過氧化氫(Cumene Hydroperoxide, CHP)在石化工業上,經常被用於Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene(ABS)聚合反應的起始劑、酚與過氧化氫二異丙苯(Dicumyl Peroxide, DCPO)的生產製造。由於異丙苯過氧化氫分解時會釋放大量的反應熱及洩放毒性或易燃性物質,易導致嚴重的災害。本研究使用微差掃瞄熱卡計(Differential Scanning Calorimetry, DSC)針對異丙苯過氧化氫添加催化劑-硫酸及其衍生性物產物-酚和丙酮進行熱分析,觀察其反應性危害。由熱譜圖可以得到反應之放熱起始溫度(T0)、放熱最大溫度(Tmax)與反應熱(△H),用以比較產物對於異丙苯過氧化氫放熱行為之影響。接著運用閃火點測試儀進行異丙苯過氧化氫之閃火點測定,並探討於製程中異丙苯過氧化氫反應物本身加入產物酚與丙酮後閃火點之改變情況,以瞭解其製程反應中物質之危害特性。綜合文獻與實驗結果,評估製程中主要物質種類可能造成的危害性,藉以對製程安全設計提供可參考之條件。


Cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) is used as the initiator for the polymerization of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS). The process produces phenol or dicumyl peroxide (DCPO). During thermal decomposition of CHP, generated heats and releasing toxic or flammable chemicals will cause serious accidents. This research studies the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) on CHP, reaction with the catalyst sulfuric acid, and derivative products-phenol and acetone. The reactive hazards of cumene hydroperoxide is produced. Thermal curves, thermal kinetic data, such as exothermic onset temperature (T0), exothermic maximum temperature (T(subscript max)) and reaction heat (∆H), could explain the exothermic behaviors of CHP process. Furthermore, flash point analyzer is used to determine the flash point of various CHP, catalyst and products. They could help to understand the characteristics of CHP in the process, and provides feasible suggestions for process safety design.
