  • 期刊


Broaden Usages of Petroleum Energy and the Research and Development of New Technology (Ⅰ)


傳統化石能源在未來二、三十年內仍將是我們使用的能源主體,其研發重點在探勘、生產、煉製技術的提昇,冀望發現更多的蘊藏、能夠激產收穫更高的產率、單位產量生產成本的降低、煉製更乾淨的油品,如含硫量、苯含量、金屬含量等等的降低。配合於此,車輛的設計改進使得行車效率更高、污染更少亦是重點。 因為原油愈來愈重,要處理高硫份的原油及「骯髒」的進料,煉油廠必須整建舊的處理裝置。要處理重質、酸性原油現在有最大的誘因,因為有些地區的酸性原油價格低廉。不過,低價原油的物理性質限制了它們在某些煉油廠的煉製。所以傳統的煉油廠必須要加以整建來處理這些可以節省費用、有潛力的原油。 傳統的煉油廠大都處理輕質原油,現在需要整建來處理這些重質原油,如沙烏地阿拉伯的阿拉伯重質油、加拿大亞伯達省油砂的酸性合成摻配油、和墨西哥的瑪雅油等。 因應煉製重質原油,煉油廠的煉製結構也會隨著改變。加氫處理的增加較多與加氫裂解的少量增加是一種環保及需求的趨勢。觸媒裂解能力也在增加,不過幅度比較緩慢。常壓殘渣油脫硫以及重油進料的觸媒裂解的逐漸普遍化,也表示要脫除碳及減少燃料油利潤已漸大。 在石油化學原料方面,全世界乙烯及丙烯的需求一直在增加,但輕油的來源則在緊縮。現在正在開發一些新的技術,直接將重的碳氫化合物處理成輕質烯經。傳統的乙烯及丙烯的蒸汽裂解以及流體化觸媒裂解各有其優點及缺點。 天然氣無論其來源,在燃料或化學品用途上,舉足輕重,本文將予以闡釋,包括冷能利用或轉化成油品或化學品。 未來將是氫氣經濟時代,氫的來源有多方面,包括生質能源、傳統能源及化學能源,目前已進入實用化及規模化階段,尤其是蒸汽重組及氣化器的設計。 由於能源有限,以及使用產生污染,如何提高能源使用效率、降低污染,也成為我們研發的目標。能源使用中不可避免會產生溫室氣體如二氣化碳等如何予以減量、捕集、及封存,為今後發展之趨勢。


Conventional fossil energy will still be our major energy resources for the coming two to three decades. Their research will stress on oil and gas exploration, production, and refining technologies. To search for more reserves, more crude by enhanced recorvery, cost down for unit production. For refining, to reduce the contents of sulfur, benzene, and metals in the oil products. The modification and invent of new car engines are also required for the incoming age. Our focus on environmentally friendly fuels requires refiners to invest in technology to convert the increasing poor-quality crude oil into high-quality finished products. Key drivers include petroleum demand, expected future product demand, global refining configuration, refining petrochemical interface, and more. This report covers the research work on conventional E&P, refining and petrochemicals manufacturing. Nature gas exploration and production, gas treatment, liquefaction, compressed natural gas, and cold energy usage are also described. Cleaner fuels, heavier feedstocks and increased chemicals capacities are driving 112 production to its limits. Synthesis gas, a product of steam reforming and gasification processes, can be used for many application, including hydrogen production. Carbon dioxide emission through the combustion of energy is not totally formidable. The research on their reduction, carbon capture and sequestration should be emphasized.


