  • 學位論文


Analysis of the Empowerment Effectiveness of Energy Innovation Teaching Materials on Junior High School Teachers – Taking a Junior High School in Tun District of Taichung City as an Example

指導教授 : 張迪惠 白子易


實施能源教育是解決能源問題的根本方法,本研究旨在探討能源創新教材對國中教師能源知識之增能情形,本研究針對再生能源、非再生能源、節能減碳等三個向度,編制教師使用之分析測驗問卷,研究工具依據國科會編號NSC 102-3113-S-324-001(白子易、高燕錚、陳怡芸、陳淑芳,2013)之評量工具編製問卷為「能源創新教材對國中教師之增能成效分析測驗問卷」,每個向度下分四個面向,各個面向各5題,三個向度總計為60題。以現任臺中市屯區某國中全體教師進行測驗,於進行能源創新教材增能研習前後進行前測與後測,前後測分別發出問卷42份,共回收42份,有效問卷42份,回收率100%,再以統計軟體Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS)進行敘述性統計及推論性統計分析。   在增能成效的分析結果方面,由前測結果可知三個向度的答對率排名:「再生能源」知識向度20題中,最小值6題與最大值17題之差距為11題,整體均數則為11.31,答對率為57%,於三個向度中排序為第2;「非再生能源」知識向度20題中,最小值3題與最大值19題之差距為16題,整體均數則為10.14,答對率為51%,於三個向度中排序為第3;「節能減碳」知識向度20題中,最小值4題與最大值18題之差距為14題,整體均數則為11.79,答對率為59%,於三個向度中排序為第1。全部試題答對率為55%,所得之平均數為33.24(共60題),代表國中教師對能源知識普遍缺乏。   由後測結果可知三個向度的答對率均有顯著的提升:「再生能源」知識向度20題中,最小值16題與最大值20題之差距為4題,整體均數則為18.88,答對率為94%;「非再生能源」知識向度20題中,最小值17題與最大值20題之差距為3題,整體均數則為18.88,答對率為94%;「節能減碳」知識向度20題中,最小值17題與最大值20題之差距為3題,整體均數則為18.79,答對率為94%。全部試題答對率為94%,所得之平均數為56.55(共60題)。前測所得之平均數為33.24,後測所得平均數為56.55,前後測總成績平均數的提升率達70.1%,可看出於接受「能源創新教材」增能研習後,整體均有明顯的增能成效。另外,前後測成對 t 檢定的結果顯示前後測結果具相關性且有顯著不同,代表受試教師經「能源創新教材」增能研習後,對能源知識有顯著提升。藉以分析國中教師使用增能教材前後對能源知識所具備之知識情形,以利教師未來推行能源創新教材之教學,及研究教材對提升教師能源知識之成效,提供國中教師進行能源教育之參考。


Implementation of energy education is the fundamental way to solve energy problems. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how energy innovation teaching materials empower the knowledge of junior high school teachers. This study used three dimensions: renewable energy, non-renewable energy, and energy saving & carbon reduction to develop the questionnaire used for analyzing teachers’ use of energy innovation teaching materials. The research tool was “Questionnaire for Analysis of Empowerment Effectiveness of Energy Innovation Teaching Materials on Junior High School Teachers.” Every dimension was divided into 4 aspects, and every aspect included 5 items, with a total of 60 items. This study selected all of the current teachers in a certain junior high school of Tun District in Taichung City as the subjects, and performed the pretest and posttest before/after the empowerment seminar of energy innovation teaching materials. A total of 42 questionnaires were distributed in the pretest and posttest, and 42 valid questionnaires were returned, respectively, with a return rate of 100%. This study then used statistical software Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) to perform descriptive statistical analyses and inferential statistical analyses. In terms of the results of analysis of empowerment effectiveness, the results of the pretest showed the order of correct rate of three dimensions. Among the 20 items of the knowledge dimension of “renewable resources,” the minimum number of correct items was 6 items and the maximum number of correct items was 17 items, with a difference of 13 items. The overall mean was 11.31, with a correct rate of 57%. The order of “renewable resources” among the three dimensions was the second. Among the 20 items of the knowledge dimension of “non-renewable resources,” the minimum number of correct items was 3 items and the maximum number of correct items was 19 items, with a difference of 16 items. The overall mean was 10.14, with a correct rate of 51%. The order of “non-renewable resources” among the three dimensions was the third. Among the 20 items of the knowledge dimension of “energy saving & carbon reduction,” the minimum number of correct items was 4 items and the maximum number of correct items was 18 items, with a difference of 14 items. The overall mean was 11.79, with a correct rate of 59%. The order of “energy saving & carbon reduction” among the three dimensions was the first. The overall correct rate was 55%, and the overall mean of correct items was 33.24 items (60 items totally), suggesting that junior high school teachers were generally deficient in energy knowledge. According to the results of the posttest, the correct rate of three dimensions all significantly improved. Among the 20 items of the knowledge dimension of “renewable resources,” the minimum number of correct items was 16 items and the maximum number of correct items was 20 items, with a difference of 4 items. The overall mean was 18.88, with a correct rate of 94%. Among the 20 items of the knowledge dimension of “non-renewable resources,” the minimum number of correct items was 17 items and the maximum number of correct items was 20 items, with a difference of 3 items. The overall mean was 18.88, with a correct rate of 94%. Among the 20 items of the knowledge dimension of “energy saving & carbon reduction,” the minimum number of correct items was 17 items and the maximum number of correct items was 20 items, with a difference of 3 items. The overall mean was 18.79, with a correct rate of 94%. The overall correct rate was 94%, and the overall mean of correct items was 56.55 items (60 items totally). The overall mean of the pretest was 33.24, while that of the posttest was 56.55. The improvement rate of the total score of posttest reached 70.1%, suggesting that after participating in the empowerment seminar of “energy innovation teaching materials,” all of the teachers experienced significant empowerment effectiveness. Moreover, the results of the paired t-test on the pretest and posttest showed that, the pretest results were correlated with posttest ones, and there were significant differences between them. Therefore, after participating in empowerment seminar of “energy innovation teaching materials,” teachers’ energy knowledge significantly improved. The results of analysis on the energy knowledge possessed by junior high school teachers before/after the use of empowerment teaching materials obtained in this study can help teachers to promote the teaching of energy innovation teaching materials in the future. It is also hoped that the effectiveness of research teaching materials on improvement of teachers’ energy knowledge can be provided as reference for junior high school teachers to implement energy education.


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