  • 期刊


Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Application in CPC New No.6 Naphtha Cracker (Ethylene Unit)


2010 年為紀念世界地球日第40週年,此時地球正瀕臨更危險之狀態。雖然氣候變遷已成為全球極大威脅,卻同時也賜予我們一個始無前例做大輻度改變之機會-立即重新建構一健康、繁榮的潔淨能源經濟體系,為了地球之未來。 本文擬就目前動工之中油六輕工程計劃規劃內容中,逐項說明與環境保護運動精髓-節能減碳有關之設計,主要目的在於使大家了解六輕製程及六輕建造設備中與節能減碳有關之設計項目。藉以響應世界地球日所揭櫫之理想。


Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. Although the climate change has been the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity for us to change – an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future. No.6 Nathpha Cracker Project has been executed for more than half year, which is one of the major revamping plans in ethylene manufacture of Petrochemical Business Division of CPC Taiwan. Now we are willing to show some Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction issues to be considered in No.6 Nathpha Cracker Project to the concerned people during EPC stage. We also believe that due to the applying of new technology and energy saving equipment we may build a cleaner ethylene plant in the future, and it will be in compliance with Earth Day 2010 ultimate Goal.


