  • 學位論文


The Recluse Thoughts and Spatial Dialogue in the Poems and Paintings of Shen Zhou(1427-1509)

指導教授 : 柯慶明


明初吳中地區代表性文人沈周,具有多種不同身分,他不但是吳門畫派最重要的人物,也是隱士、文人。本文採用《石田先生集》、《石田稿》、《石田詩選》等別集,及沈周家族成員的相關史料,對沈周的隱逸動機重新加以審視,並指出其家族中隱逸傳統的形成因素,可以上溯元明之際嚴酷的政治情勢,且能與吳興地區「花溪沈」族支的「漁隱」風氣產生連結。 沈周雖然隱居於相城,對於政治仍然保持關懷。與文士間頻繁的交遊活動,使沈周得以將其對時政的意見,藉由詩畫應酬傳達給朝中友人,以此發揮影響力。本文指出,他的政治關懷,主要是站在平民的立場,期望吏治清明,具有濃厚的儒家色彩。 在研究方法上,本文亦有所突破。過去研究者多是根據技法、風格分析沈周的繪畫作品,本文則更加倚重詩文材料來解釋畫作的背景與意涵。因而,通過詩文中對沈周隱居地「有竹居」空間的描述,本文歸納出若干空間特徵,足以提供研究者審視〈幽居圖〉、〈崇山脩竹圖〉等畫作主題是否與「有竹居」相關。 最後,由於「觀物、靜坐」是沈周家居生活中的重要活動,本文乃針對其〈寫生冊〉與〈夜坐圖〉兩件畫作及其相關主題詩文進行細緻討論,總結出沈周與外在空間的對話關係,是強調自己在當下「定靜」的狀態中,能與充滿生機的自然和諧共存,從發掘事物潛在的意義獲得趣味,從而解決前人研究中,對這兩件畫作上題跋文字的疑義。


沈周 石田 吳門畫派 隱逸 有竹居 夜坐圖


Shen Zhou, the representative literati of the early Ming Dynasty in Wu-Zhong area, had many identities. He was not only the most important character of Wu-Men Painting Sect, and also a hermit. I referred to his literary works like “ShiTianXianShengJi”, “ShiTianGao”, “ShiTianShiXüan”, and his families' materials in history, to re-inspection his secluded reason. I pointed out that the formative factor of the secluded tradition in Shen Zhou's families could be traced back to the hard political state of affairs during the dynastic changes from Yüan to Ming. Besides, it would also connect with the “Fishing secluding” fashions in the family branch called “HuaXiShen” in Wu-Xing area. Although Shen Zhou secluded in Xiang-Cheng village for a long while, he still concerned with politics. Because of frequent contacts with other literates, Shen Zhou was allowed to express his standpoints to those friends in the government by paintings or poems. Passing through this way, Shen Zhou played a part in the government. I was of the opinion that he expected an incorruptible government which was friendly to people, and this showed he was deeply influenced by the Confucians. In research method, I used more literary material to explain the backgrounds and inner meanings of Shen Zhou's paintings. There would be some different from most related researches in past, because they often analyzed his works by painting skills and styles. In this essay, I generalized some space characteristics by his literary works, and I considered this would be useful to determine whether “YouJüTu”and “ChongShanXiouZhuTu” related to Shen Zhou's house “YouZhuJü”. For sitting in peace and observing were both important in Shen Zhou's daily life, in the final part, I made a study of “XieShengCe”, “YieZuoTu” and the related literary works, and I concluded that Shen Zhou interacted with the space around him especially in a special situation. That was when he deeply felt still and silent, everything, especially in the nature, became livelier, and he would have more fun by discovering meanings in it. Taking root Shen Zhou's mental activities during sitting and observing, I solved a few problems about this two works disputed in past.


