  • 期刊


Dynamic Simulation for Flare Gas Recovery System Design


由於煉油石化廠燃燒塔廢氣(Flare Gas)的排放降低了空氣的品質也浪費了寶貴的能源,目前國內外工廠開始採用燃燒塔廢氣回收系統(Flare Gas Recovery System, FGRS)推行節能減碳將本來要送到地面燃燒塔(Ground Flare)或高空燃燒塔(Elevated Flare)的廢氣回收,做為工廠燃料氣用。回收廢氣的方法基本上有液環壓縮機(Liquid Ring Compressor)及高壓水噴射器(Hijector)抽氣法。既有的燃燒塔系統要回收廢氣首先要在系統上做修改,如密封水槽(Seal Drum)水封深 度、燃燒塔幹管(FLare Header)在回收時壓力的控制等。計算燃燒塔幹管廢氣排放時壓力隨時間的變化一般是採用穩態(Steady State)的計算方法,所算出的壓力為時間的平均值;本研究是利用動態模擬(Dynamic Simulation)可以計算排放時燃燒塔幹管壓力和時間的關係及對相關設備操作的影響,由此分析可以做為燃燒塔系統修改的依據。


Emission from flare will drop air quality and waste energy, thus plants began to adopt Flare Gas Recovery System (FGRS) to promote CO_2 reduction. Two methods, including liquid ring compressor and high-pressure water jet (Hijector) compression method, are applied to flare gas recovery. Gas recovery for existing flare shall have some modifications, such as the change of seal depth of the seal drum and , recovery pressure control of the flare header. Usually we use steady state calculation method to get average pressure change over time in the flare header. Using Dynamic Simulation, we calculate the flare header pressure change with time and its impact on related equipments. This analysis can be used as a basis for modifying flare systems.
