  • 學位論文


Using Analytic Hierarchy Process to Evaluate the Priority for Promoting the Reuse of Construction Waste

指導教授 : 白子易


本研究首先經由文獻探討建構前測問卷,並採用 Likert 五尺度量表的問卷題項(五個等級表示強弱分別為:非常不重要、不重要、普通、 重要、非常重要),進行題項的修編,初步的分析要素準則,對準則進行增刪、修改的動作,彙整、歸納後建立推動營建廢棄物回收再利用之層級架構,共有4 個評估要素及16 項評估要素準則,再據以編製AHP 之相對權重調查問卷;經由分析並找出一致性之共同觀點,綜合整理而獲致研究結果,以利政府在推動營建廢棄物回收再利用計劃之參考。 本研究乃藉由層級分析法之成對比較過程,並透過一致性檢定,以選擇有效問卷來控制結果的可信度,獲得準則間的相對重要性權數,建立權重體系,以提供相關單位有參考價值之訊息。茲將本研究分析之結果論述如下: 1. 在推動營建廢棄物回收再利用之層級分析評估要素層中,其重要性依序為:最重要的為「制度層面」(0.316),次重要為「經營輔導層面」 (0.240),接著是「環境社會層面」 (0.231),最後為「制定技術層面」 (0.201)。 2. 在「制度層面」構面中,分析結果:「強制公共工程使用再生材」 (0.294)為最重要,「加強地方管制建築廢棄物」(0.253)次之,接著為「推動將營建混合物統一納入管制」(0.222),最後為「政府積極的投入營建廢棄物資源化的工作」(0.221)。 3. 在「經營輔導層面」構面中,分析結果:「積極介入回收處理場所與再利用產品」(0.276)為最重要,次重要為「強化資源與再生市場機制」(0.266),接著是「成立共同網路申報系統」(0.233),最後為「研擬再利用產品品質標準與規格以增加市場需求量」(0.214)。 4. 在「制定技術層面」構面中,分析結果:最重要為「擬定再生資源用於綠建築推動方案」(0.264),次重要為「加強推動營建廢棄物回收再利用技術及機制」(0.257),接著為「加強再利用技術原理、設施及設備」(0.243),最後為「推動建築廢棄物再利用項目的規劃」(0.222)。 5. 在「環境社會層面」構面中,分析結果:「推動營建廢棄物回收再利用,以降低對環境傷害」(0.312)為最重要,次重要為「加強廢棄物回收再利用率,避免回收成本過高」(0.261),接著是「推動再利用產品接受度」(0.248),最後為「加強營建廢棄物再生利用,創造環境、資源、社會、經濟之發展」(0.169)。 6. 經由排序分析結果之準則整體權重值及排序,本問卷整體有效問卷認為最先重視的前5 項準則依序為「推動營建廢棄物回收再利用,以降低對環境傷害」(0.312)、「加強推動營建廢棄物回收再利用技術及機制」(0.257)、「成立共同網路申報系統」(0.233)、「推動將營建混合物統一納入管制」(0.222)及「推動再利用產品接受度」(0.248)。 其中「推動營建廢棄物回收再利用,以降低對環境傷害」在準則整體權重分析中,4 個分群問卷對向中,都進入前排序前二名;「專家學者」群、「縣市環保局」群及「社區民眾」群列為最重要的;「營建業界」群列為次重要。由此,我們可以發現到,在推動營建廢棄物回收再利用時,「降低對環境傷害」成了最重要關鍵因素,也是群體專家所重視的。


In this study, a pre-test questionnaire was first developed on the basis of previous literature. Items in this questionnaire were designed using a Likert five-point scale (ranging from very unimportant, unimportant, normal, important to very important). After analysis and modification of key factors and criteria, a hierarchical structure of “promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes” was constructed. This structure involved 4 key elements and 16 criteria. An AHP questionnaire was later developed based on these elements and criteria. Through analysis, common views shared by respondents were gathered and organized to derive research results, which could be a reference for the government on the promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes. This study made use of pair-wise comparison in AHP and selected a valid questionnaire through test of consistency to control the reliability of the obtained results. By assessing the relative weight of each criterion, it constructed a system of weighted criteria to provide related organizations with some valuable information. The analysis results are presented as follows: 1. Among the key elements of the promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes, the “system aspect” is the most important (0.316), followed by the “management guidance aspect” (0.240), the “environmental and social aspect” (0.231), and the “technical aspect” (0.201). 2. In the “system aspect”, the analysis result suggests that “enforcement of use of recycled materials in public constructions” (0.294) is the most important, followed by “increase in local control of construction wastes” (0.253), “inclusion of construction mixture in the control policy” (0.222), and “the government’s proactive investment in recovery of construction wastes as useful resources” (0.221). 3. In the “management guidance aspect”, the analysis result suggests that “proactive intervention in the management of waste processing places and reused products” (0.276) is the most important, followed by “improvement of resource and recycling market mechanism” (0.266), “construction of an online application and report system” (0.233), and “research of the quality standards and specifications of reused products to increase market demands” (0.214). 4. In the “technical aspect”, the analysis result indicates that “setting up programs to promote use of recycled resources in green constructions” (0.264) is the most important, followed by “promotion of techniques and mechanisms for recycle and reuse of construction wastes” (0.257), “improvement of technical principles, facilities, and equipment for reusing construction wastes” (0.243), and “promotion of planning of construction waste items to be reused”. 5. In the “environmental and social aspect”, the analysis result indicates that “promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes to reduce environmental damage” (0.312) is the most important, followed by “improvement of the recycle and reuse rate of construction wastes to avoid excessive cost of recycle and reuse” (0.261), “increase of public acceptance of recycled and reused products” (0.248), and “promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes for better environmental, resource, social, and economic development” (0.169). 6. Through weighting and ranking of the criteria, the top five prioritized criteria are “promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes to reduce environmental damage” (0.312), “promotion of techniques and mechanisms for recycle and reuse of construction wastes” (0.257), “construction of an online application and report system” (0.233), “inclusion of construction mixture in the control policy” (0.222), and “increase of public acceptance of recycled and reused products” (0.248). Among these criteria, “promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes to reduce environmental damage” was ranked either first or second by all the four groups of respondents. It was viewed as the most important by three groups of them, including “expert”, “environmental protection department of the city/county government”, and “community citizens”, and the second important by those in the “architecture industry”. Therefore, it can be inferred that “reduction of environmental damage” is the most important factor that should be considered in the promotion of recycle and reuse of construction wastes, as this factor is also highly emphasized by the expert group.


25、黃榮堯,「營建資源暨裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫」,行政院環境保護署 (2007)。
32、蕭江碧,黃榮堯,「廢棄混凝土再生利用成本效益分析之研究」,內政部建築研究所研究計畫報告 (2003)。
34、資源回收再利用法 (2009)。

