  • 學位論文


Analytic Hierarchy Process for Promoting the Social Education of Water Resource Conservation

指導教授 : 白子易


本研究主要應用層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 理論,進行專家學者、政府機關、社教機構、社區發展團體等專家對推動水資源保育社會教育準則之重要性評估,經整理歸納分析後找出最重要的之共同觀點,而獲得本研究結果,期待將來得以作為政府在推動水資源保育社會教育時之參考。 研究者透過相關的文獻探討,歸納整理相關的評估要素,並採用Likert五尺度量表的題項來設計調查問卷,統計結果,再進行平均數之分析,最後採用平均數最高的16點題項為要素準則,完成「推動水資源保育社會教育之層級架構」,並以此編製AHP相對權重調查問卷。 在回收問卷後,透過一致性檢定篩檢出有效問卷,以控制結果的可信度,藉由層級分析法之成對比較過程,獲得準則間的相對重要性權重值,建立權重體系,提供有效訊息給未來相關單位參考。本研究分析之結果如下: 一、在評估要素層,整體專家認為最重要的要素依序為:「政策與宣導」、「經費與補助」、「專業與訓練」、「社教機構的推動」 。 二、在「政策與宣導」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「政府制定合宜的水資源政策,作為推動省水教育的依據」、「推動各項水資源保育法律,完成立法,健全法制環境」、「政府機關政策宣導」、「加強社教網路體系之水資源保育教育內容」。 三、在「經費與補助」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「政府補貼省水裝置設備」、「調漲水費,鼓勵省水,以價制量」、「編列充足的教育宣導經費」、「編列專款推廣水資源保育社會教育」。 四、在「專業與訓練」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「將水資源保育的概念列入產業訓練的重點推動」、「提昇社教機構成員的專業素養」、「加強社教機構所屬人員的在職訓練」、「鼓勵進行相關的學術研究或調查」。 五、在「社教機構的推動」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「將水資源保育概念納入終身教育的重點」、「社教機構資源整合共享,組織策略聯盟」、「推展水資源保育終身學習」、「水資源保育教育列入社區大學課程」。 六、要素準則整體權重前5項準則依序為「政府補貼省水裝置設備」、「調漲水價,鼓勵省水,以價制量」、「推動各項水資源保育法律,完成立法,健全法制環境」、「將水資源保育的概念列入產業訓練的重點推動」及「政府制定合宜的水資源政策,作為推動省水教育的依據」。


This study adopted Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the significance of the criterion of social education regarding promoting water resource conservation, taking various experts’ points of view into consideration, including specialists and scholars, government organizations, social education institutions, and community development groups. The consistent common viewpoints were summarized by arranging and analyzing the research results, in order to serve as a reference for the government to promote the social education of water resource conservation in the future. . Based on literature review, related evaluation criteria were summarized and arranged. The questionnaire was designed by using Likert 5-point scale. The data was analyzed by average means and standard deviation, and 16 items with the mean top 16 weights were selected as the evaluation criteria to complete the hierarchy structure of social education promoting water resource conservation. The criteria were used to compile the AHP relative weight questionnaire. After the questionnaires were returned, the consistency test was used to screen effective questionnaires and control the reliability of the results. By using AHP pairwise comparison, the relative weights of all criteria was obtained to construct the weight system and provide as a valuable reference for relevant units. The analytical results of the current study are as follows. 1. In respect of the hierarchy of evaluation criteria, the experts suggested that the most important four criteria were as follows: “policy and guidance”, “budget and subsidy”, “profession and training”, and “promotion of social education organizations”. 2. In respect of the evaluation criterion of “policy and guidance”, the experts suggested that the most important four criteria were as follows: “establishing suitable policies to be followed as the basis of promoting water resource conservation by the government”, “promoting the completion of legislation of relevant laws and rectifying the environment of legal system”, “the policy propaganda of the government”, and “strengthening the contents of water resource conservation in the network system of social education” . 3. In respect of the evaluation criterion of “budget and subsidy”, the experts suggested that the most important four criteria were as follows: “subsidizing the installation of water saving device by the government”, “raising the price of water to encourage water saving and reducing the amount of water usage”, “allocating sufficient funds of the education propaganda”, and “assigning special funds to popularize the social education of water resource conservation”. 4. In respect of the evaluation criterion of “profession and training”, the experts suggested that the most important four criteria were as follows: “taking the conception of water saving as a primary task in industrial training”, “improving the profession of the personnel in the social education organizations”, “strengthening on-job-training of the social education units”, and “encouraging research and studies in related fields”. 5. In respect of the evaluation criterion of “promotion of social education units”, the experts suggested that the most important four criteria were as follows: “including the concept of water resource conservation in lifelong education”, “enhancing collaboration, organizing strategic alliance and sharing resources among various social education institutions”, “promoting the water resource conservation through lifelong learning”, and “including water resource conservation education in the courses of community colleges”. 6. As for the global weights of the criteria, the criteria with top five weights were as follows: “subsidizing the installation of water saving device by the government”, “raising the price of water to encourage water saving and reducing the amount of water usage”, “promoting the completion of legislation of relevant laws and rectifying the environment of legal system”, “taking the conception of water saving as a primary task in industrial training”, and “establishing suitable policies to be followed as the basis of promoting water resource conservation by the government”.


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