  • 期刊


Acquisition and Analysis of Transient Data through Unsteady-State Core Flooding Experiments


本研究於實驗室建立岩心油/水沖排試驗系統及數值模擬技術,可進行相對滲透率參數之推估。岩心沖排試驗系統經由非穩態法油水置換試驗,以正十四烷和合成地層水作為非濕潤相和濕潤相流體,針對兩個現地已回復至地層濕潤特性之岩心樣品進行動態油水沖排置換試驗,並蒐集壓力降及孔隙流體生產剖面之試驗數據。另外,實驗室並完成MatLab 相對滲透率數值分析模式,可由壓力降和孔隙流體生產剖面進行分析,反演計算油/水相對滲透率參數。本研究建立之數值反演程式包含四個部分:(1)多相流體有限差分Eclipse黑油數值模型(2) 可調整冪次參數之Corey 相對滲透率經驗式 (3)包含觀測值及計算值之目標函數(4)高斯牛頓法搭配拉凡格氏修正之最佳化演算法。上述四個部分將以MatLab 結合Eclipse 模擬程式,進行相對滲透率推估。


Dynamic displacement experiments and two-phase flow numerical estimation program are presented in this study. Unsteady-state core-flooding system was designed and utilized for an oil-water dynamic displacement experiment. Two in-situ sandstone core plug samples with restored wettability were used to investigate relative permeability via tetradecane and synthetic brine as non-wetting and wetting phase fluids. The transient data (pressure drop and produced fluid volume) were collected automatically for oil-water relative permeability computation. For the relative permeability analysis, an inverse method program was constructed with four components: (1) a finite-difference Eclipse black oil model of the flow through the core; (2) functional Cory-type power law model of relative permeability in terms of a set of adjustable parameters found by minimizing an objective function; (3) the objective function formed by the sum of the square of the differences between the observations and calculated data; (4) the Gauss-Newton with Levenberg-Marquardt modification procedure for the Least-Squares problem to minimize the objective function definition. All the above processes are embodied in MatLab program which is constructed in this study to estimate the relative permeability curve.
