

小油桐種籽含油量高,其種籽油經轉酯化加工可做成生質柴油,是一種很好的石化燃料替代源。因本身具有毒性不可食用,故以其種籽油製備消耗性能源不會有與民爭糧的倫理議題,此外,榨油後的餅粕富含粗蛋白、纖維素及礦物質,可做為動物飼料或肥料使用,可增加整體經濟效益。但餅粕具有毒性,做成飼料前,必需先經過脫毒處理才能供動物食用。佛波醇酯(Phorbol Eester)被認為是餅粕內主要的毒性物質。研究結果顯示,使用甲醇或酒精等溶劑進行萃取,佛波醇酯去除率幾達100%,接近無毒標準。而利用高溫處理無油餅粕也可有效破壞佛波醇酯。未來,我們將應用此脫毒餅粕於動物飼料研究,觀察脫毒餅粕的飼料發展性。


Jatropha curcas, a tropical plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae is a promising material to be used as a source of biodiesel. The seed meal after oil extraction is rich in protein and becomes a potential source of animal feed. However, the presence of antinutrients, such as lectin, trypsin inhibitor, and the major toxin component phorbol ester (PE) restrict its applications in animal feed. This research reveals two detoxification processes, solvent extraction and heat treatment, in order to reduce the toxicity of the seed meal. The remaining PE concentrations from these treatments were less than that of non-toxic jatropha varieties. More additional tests should be conducted to demonstrate the safety concern of the detoxified seed meal.


Jatropha Curcas Biodiesel Detoxification Animal Feed
