

資源回收、精煉與再利用是目前全球先進國家積極投入的一項重點研究科技,也是人類永續發展的重要指標。廢日光燈螢光粉的回收物中經前處理及稀土元素提純後,可獲得含有銪及釔兩種稀土元素的混合物。本研究主要針對氧化銪(94.53 wt.%)及氧化釔(5.47 wt.%)的混合物進行氧化銪的提純。先將混合物溶於鹽酸後使作為電解液,以白金做為電極通入4 伏特的電流,此時Eu^(3+)還原成Eu^(2+)但Y^(3+)無還原反應發生。接著再利用Eu^(2+)及Y^(3+)的沈澱特性不同,加入氯化氨及氫氧化氨進行選擇性沈澱並調整參數即可使得釔沈澱形成氫氧化釔而銪依然以正二價的形態存在於溶液中,過濾去除氫氧化釔後再加入硫酸氨即可獲得固體硫酸亞銪沈澱,過濾及煅燒後即可獲得高純度的氧化銪。


Recycling, refining and reuse of resources are currently important topics for the advanced countries. It is an essential indicator for sustainable development of the earth. In the present study, europium oxide obtained from waste fluorescent powder has been treated for purification. The contents of europium and yttrium are 94.53 wt.% and 5.47 wt.% (base on metal), respectively. They were dissolved into 8N HCl. Eu^(3+) and Y^(3+) were formed in solution. This solution was used as the electrolyte, and a 4 voltage electric field is applied between two platinum electrodes. The reduction reaction Eu^(3+) → Eu^(2+) occurred. NH_4OH was then added to the solution to adjust pH value. This led to the formation of solid Y(OH)_3 which could be filtered. Finally, (NH_4)_2SO_4 was added to the solution and solid EuSO_4 was formed. After filtration and calcination, the Eu_2O_3 of high-purity was obtained.

