

台灣是全世界第五大液化天然氣(Liquefied Natural Gas, 簡稱LNG)進口國,根據政府未來之能源配比目標,天然氣占發電配比將由目前的38%提高至50%,因此LNG進口量將持續增加,LNG除了作為能源使用外,LNG冷排水(鑽石水)之應用亦值得注意。LNG冷排水低溫且潔淨,相當適合農漁業的用途。本研究提出了全球首創的陸上LNG冷排水大型海藻養殖模式,利用LNG冷排水及自行研發之技術,一年四季均可生產海藻,亦可突破季節的限制。本研究回顧了國內外海藻產業現況,由實驗室開始進行試驗與評估,並於105年底於天然氣事業部永安廠冷排水渠道旁,建立海藻養殖試驗工場,106年開始進行試俥與試量產。目前海木耳四季均可生產,產量達每年2噸,未來將擴大試驗至8噸,相關成果已申請專利。生產之海藻,除了可以作為產品開發用之食品級/醫藥級原料外,亦可作為中油生技開發產品之自有料源,具冷能利用、水資源利用及生物減碳等效益。


Taiwan ranks fifth in liquefied natural gas (LNG) importing country in the world. According to the goals set by government, the natural gas's share to the electricity grid will be raised from 38 to 50 percent. Therefore, the demand of LNG in the domestic market is growing up steadily. There is no doubt that much attention has been paid to utilization of cold seawater discharge from LNG receiving terminal (so called Diamond Water), i.e. the cold energy from LNG. The cold seawater discharge from LNG receiving terminal is not only cold but also clean and is therefore suitable for agriculture usage. We proposed a brand new land based macroalgae aquaculture model, i.e. using the seawater discharge from LNG receiving terminal and the technology developed to overcome the limitation of seasons. First, international and domestic macroalgae markets were reviewed. Experiments started from laboratory and then moved to pilot runs. A macroalgae aquaculture pilot plant was completed adjacent to the stream way of Kaohsiung's Yongan LNG receiving terminal in 2016. The pilot runs started from 2017. It is noted that the technology we developed could cultivate the seaweeds, e.g. Sacrodia sp. year round. Currently, the production capacity is 2 tons per year and expects to expand to 8 tons per year. We have filed several patent applications. The produced macroalgae could not only be used as food and pharmaceutical grades raw materials for product developments, but also as self-owned ingredients for CPC Bio products. The advantages of cold energy utilization, seawater recycling and CO2 bio-fixation by macroalgae cultivation are revealed in this study.
