  • 期刊


A study of Yao Chên-tsung's Hou-Han I-wên chih with the Academic Trend of the Supplement with I-wên chih in Ch'ing Dynasty




The research foundation of I-wên chih (<藝文志>)in Pan-ku’s(班固) Han-shu was based on Ch'i-lűeh(《七略》) written by Liu-hisn(劉歆) that recorded ancient books in order to classify the knowledge and trace academic sources in ancient China. The function of I-wên chih in Han-shu was the valuable part. So that, almost every official historical records in different dynasties had this part or named as Ching-chi chih(<經籍志>) inside, while some did not have. Because of this reason, after dissussed how to edite Ming-shih i-wên chih (《明史‧藝文志》), the academic trend which encouraged to develop the supplement of I-wên chih was raised in Ch'ing dynasty. To put more concretely, the academic trend began with the supplement of I-wên chih just in Song, Liao, Chin, Yüen dynasty. Then dued to the supplement of Hou-Han i-wên chih (《後漢‧藝文志》)written by Ch'ien ta-chao(錢大昭), it became the compiling movement which enlarged the supplement of I-wên chih to the historical records in which lacked this part in the previous time. In Addition, turning now to the movement with supplements of Hou-Han i-wên chih. After Ch'ien ta-chao, there were still some Ch’ing scholars did the similar works which followed in turn by Hao k'ang(侯康), Ku huai-san(顧懷三), Yao chên-tsung(姚振宗), Tsu p'u(曾樸). In comparison with other works, the supplement which made by Yao chên-tsung was the best publication. Accordingly, the purpose of this study will focus on the two ways: one way is to observe the academic trend with the supplement of I-wên chih in Ch'ing dynasty; the other way will analyze the structure and classification in Yao chên-tsung's Hou-Han i-wên chih.


